Cell Saga
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  Cell Saga After the disappearance of Trunks, Goku tells his comrades about the Androids.. Vegita of course takes off to train like mad. He is so distraught about the fact that there are now 2 super saiyans.. and he's not one of them. He orders Dr. Briefs (Bulmas's father) to create a gravity room similar to the one Goku trained in. He believes that if it worked for Goku, it'll work for him as well.

Everyone else goes their separate ways as well, except Piccolo, Goku, and Gohan, who train together. Piccolo and Goku are now good friends, although Piccolo finds Goku and Gohan to be silly sometimes.. and as we all know, Piccolo is a no-nonsense kinda guy! Anyways, it's during this part of the series that Chi Chi forces Goku and Piccolo to take driving lessons. Both of them make horrible drivers, and after saving a bus full of children during a stormy night, they decide that driving is not their forte, and that they should just stick to the heroics. Meanwhile Vegita continues his training... which is totally motivated by the fact that Goku is stronger than him. He possesses the strength to become a Super Saiyan (he's training in 400 G's), he's just missing one component..

While Vegita's frustration grows, the first Androids make their appearance. Some time has passed since Freeza's demise and Goku's return from space. Bulma now has a baby whom was fathered by Vegita! I think everyone can very well guess the baby's name.. yup.. it's chibi Trunks. The Z-Fighters team up and fly to an island where Future Trunks told them the first Androids would appear. As they gather on a mountain high above a nearby city, an explosion from Yajirobe's vehicle gets their attention. Unfortunately, the Androids don't give off a "ki" since they are cyborgs, so they split up and start to scour the city below.

Yamcha is the first to find the androids after he hears a scream. He rushes to the aide of the screaming woman only to run into two odd looking men. One is an old man wearing a large funny hat (Dr Gero or #20). The other is an obese pale Chinese looking dude (#19). The Androids thought that he might be Goku, but after scanning him they conclude that it's Yamcha. Android #20 quickly grabs Yamcha and holds his hand over Yamcha's mouth so he can't warn the others. Then he starts to drain Yamcha's power. Yamcha is on he verge of passing out when #20 decides to finish him and rams his free arm right through Yamcha's chest. Due to an accident nearby, an explosion gets everyone's attention and they soon find Yamcha and the androids. Goku is furious that the Androids have taken Yamcha's life. Actually Yamcha is still barely alive I guess. Goku tells Krillin to take Yamcha back to the nearby moutain cliff where Bulma is and to give Yamcha a senzu bean. I guess I forgot to mention that Bulma had met everyone there. She has baby Trunks with her. Anyways, to make a long story short, Goku tells them to follow him to a place where they can fight without people getting hurt. The Androids agree, and follow Goku. Piccolo and Tien also follow.

Meanwhile, Yamcha has recovered with the help of a senzu bean. Gohan shows up after helping Yajirobe, and tells Krillin and Yamcha that they have to follow them. After almost dying at the hands of the androids, Yamcha is scared to go and refuses. So and Gohan and Krillin leave. Then Yamcha gets mad at himself for being a chicken, and he blasts off to follow too. Goku touches down on some deserted area to fight the androids. Dr Gero offers Goku a little background, telling him that he had little robots spying on Goku after the destruction of the Red Ribbon Army (dragonball). Goku isn't worried, and erupts in a yellowish-orangish explosion of Super Saiyan power! Dr. Gero is suprised at Goku's power, but still believes #19 is capable of defeating him. And so the fight begins... From the beginning of the fight it is clear that Goku possesses the upper hand. He is simply too fast and strong for the Android. However, Piccolo and the others notice that Goku doesn't appear to be in top form. Indeed, Goku isn't in top form, as his heart disease which Trunks warned him about is starting to set in. #19 starts to over power a weakening Goku. Eventually he pins Goku down and starts to suck up Goku's energy. After awhile, Goku can no longer maintain his SSJ form, and reverts back to normal. It looks like it could be lights out for our hero, when suddenly #19 is knocked off of Goku. Everyone is surprised to see Vegita standing there with a typical Vegita grin on his face. Vegita literally kicks Goku's drained body over to Piccolo. Vegita claims that he wants to defeat "Kakarott" and therefore #19 will have to fight him instead of beating up Goku. Both Dr. Gero and #19 seem not to be too bothered by this until Vegita demonstrates his new ability to turn into a Super Saiyan. Vegita tells of how ironic it was that his own inability to turn Super Saiyan, was the triggering mechanism which allowed him to get angry enough to finally become one. Anyways, Vegita starts to fight #19, and is just too much for the android. He ends up pulling his arms off, and then blows up a retreating Android 19 with his famous Big Bang Attack! Sensing himself to be in trouble, #20 retreats into some nearby mountains. Everyone else starts to look for him. Gero thinks that if he can steal everyone's energy, that he'll be able to stand up to Vegita. He chooses Piccolo for his first target and sneaks up behind him. Before Piccolo knows what happened, Gero latches himself onto Piccolo covering his mouth and draining away the Namek's energy! Piccolo uses telepathy to contact Gohan who finds Piccolo and knocks Dr. Gero off of his mentor. Everyone hears the commotion and quickly Dr. Gero is surrounded by Vegita, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, and Tien. Piccolo tells Vegita that he wants to fight #20 alone. He takes off his weighted clothing and starts to pound the doc... much to Gero's surprise. Piccolo beats #20 all around, but the arrival of Trunks brings a pause to the fight. It's Mirai (Future) Trunks! He's come back again to help fight against the Androids. Piccolo calls him Trunks in front of Vegita who realizes who this boy actually is. Vegita is stunned. Bulma and Yajirobe approach in an air vehicle, but are caught in an explosion caused by #20. Trunks saves Bulma and baby Trunks. He is mad that Vegita didn't help his wife and child. During this confusion, #20 escapes again. He decides the only thing to do is return to his lab and activate #17 and #18 and hope that they will fight the Z-team. However, Gero can't fly because he might be seen by Vegita and the others, so runs through the woods back to his lab. Everyone follows, and Krillin succeeds in finding Gero, but Gero beats Krillin easily. He's about ready to finish Krillin when he sees Piccolo flying over so he retreats to his lab. Krillin raises his Ki to alert everyone to his presence. They all show up and Krillin shows them the lab door. Meanwhile, Gero is inside the lab, and has activated #17 and #18. They both seem to be fixed, until suddenly #17 steals the device to deactivate them from Dr. Gero. He destroys it. Gero is angry at the rebellious androids, and attempts to stop #18 from activatinig Android #16. Just then Vegita blows open the door to the lab. But #17 has had enough of his creator and kills Dr. Gero right in front of the Vegita, Trunks, and the others. He kicks off Gero's head and then crushes it. Even Vegita is a little shocked by this. Things look bad because #17 and 18 are identical to the androids that Trunks described as being "the real Androids" or in other words, the tough ones!!

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  Trunks tries to stop the Androids from activating #16 by blasting into the cave. But his frivolous attempt is to no avail. The Androids #17 and #18 activate #16 and ask him if he like them was programed to kill Goku #16 tells them that yes he was and the Androids head off to find Goku after conversing a bit.The Z- Team realize this and Vegeta angered that the Androids didn't pay him any attention flew off after them ignoring the warnings of Trunks.The Androids stoped to decide whether to take a car the rest of the way or not. #17 then questions #16 about his origion, and #16 clearly answers that unlike #17 and #18 he was not made from man but from nothing. #17 and #18 ponder what #16 said till Vegeta lands anxiously wanting to fight the Androids.

#18 tells #16 to fight Vegeta but he refuses to fight the saiyan and #18 fights Vegeta instead. #17 is very impressed by Vegeta's fighting skills expecting the saiyan to be much weaker. The Z- Team arrive amazed that Vegeta is not fighting against both Androids and #16 still refuses to fight. The Z- Team watches as Vegeta and #18 fight but are anxious to help Vegeta who is growing weaker with every blow. Piccolo notices that #18 has the upper hand against Vegeta because of her never ending stamina. Their fight continues through the highway and a couple of humans are killed. Vegeta finds that his attacks don't seem to be working anymore and finds that he is being bashed around by the almost undamaged android. #18 feels like she's waisted enough time and takes the fight more seriously by breaking Vegeta's arm.

Trunks who cannot stand to see his father going through such pain lashes out at #18 with his sword and ends up breaking it against the #18 who isn't hurt. Piccolo takes his opportunity to attack #17 but is badly beaten. Tien and Yamcha also make a surprise attack but end up in the dangerous clutches of #17 who is about to finish them off when Trunks comes to their aid. #17 after dropping Tien and Yamcha takes to beating down Trunks who receives a KO punch. Krillin stops himself from jumping in realizing that he would stand no chance against #17. #18 after crippling Vegeta notices Krillin watching them from the hillside and she and #17 fly up to tell Krillin to give his friends some Senzu beans to help them recover stating that their only purpose was to kill Goku and only Goku.

The Androids then depart after #18 gives Krillin a kiss on the cheek. Krillin revives the Z- Team and Piccolo angry at himself for losing so easily against the Androids heads off to become one with Kame. Krillin tells the rest of the Z- Team that that is where he left to. At this point Goku's heart condition is getting far worse and he has a nightmare, in which he is laying on his bed when android #17 and #18 arrive at his house. Gohan and Krillin attack the two androids and are both killed instantly. Goku tries to attack #17 and #18 but he cannot touch them. They then dispose of Trunks in a most vicious way and #18 snaps Chi Chi's neck. At that point the dream ends and the story returns to the Earth's special forces who are very unorganized. Vegeta angry at himself for losing so easily to #18 goes off by himself, and Piccolo arrives at Kame's Lookout where Kame is waiting diligently for Piccolo's arrival. <

Kame who feels that he will not be taken so easily challenges Piccolo to a little duel and they both fuse together to become one after their little fight. The Androids, who are now closing in on Goku's house, run into a little police trouble after stealing a truck and they decide to have a little fun with the law informent. #18 deciding that she needs a new wardrobe. Trunks returns to help the Z fighters with another android that returned from the future named Cell. Dr. Gero wanted to create a cyborg with bio-technology. But, he couldn't do it in the time he had, so he left the job to his computer. Cell was made up of a combination of cells from Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Freeza, and Freeza's father King Cold. From this body, if he merges with #17 and #18, he would become perfect, and that is the reason he came from the future.

The Z- Fighters who had never incountered such an android didn't know what Trunks was talking about. But a new and powerful Piccolo arrives to fight Cell who is weaker than Piccolo at the moment, and Piccolo demonstrates this by man-handleing Cell without powering up to his fullest. But Piccolo is very surprised when Cell uses his special technique and draining Piccolo's arm. Cell tries a couple more times to absorbed Piccolo but Piccolo is still more powerful and Cell ends up running away from the battle. Goku is now out of his bed and good as new. He receives a warm welcome back from Chi Chi who is in tears at seeing her husband back and better than ever. Goku then departs and arrives with Krillin and the rest of the Z-fighters at their ship. Krillin who is also happy to see Goku back slams him through the ship. Goku tells the rest of the Z- Team that he is going to take Gohan to the Room of Time and Space to train him, and they go off to find Vegeta who is still in morn because of his defeat.

The four saiyans all arrive at the Kame's Lookout and Vegeta and Trunks are the first to go in and train. Meanwhile Piccolo, and the rest find #17 and #18. Piccolo tells them that he wants to fight them alone and he goes off to the battle field. #18 feels that she has already done enough fighting and #17 steps up to fight Piccolo. The fight begins and the two warriors and bashing each other around brutally. They both seem even in power, but #17 doesn't seem to be getting tired. Piccolo tries all of his attacks and none of them seem to defeat #17 although he is getting pretty messed up. The fight is about to end when out of nowhere Cell arrives. He is much stronger than before having drained the energy of most of the people on Earth. Piccolo begins his fight with Cell again while Goku, and Gohan follow the fight from Kame's Lookout. The fight ends quickly after Cell mortally injures Piccolo. Gohan who thinks that Piccolo is dead bursts out with anger and tries to fly down and get revenge for him. But Goku quickly stops him telling Gohan that this is not the time to fight. Meanwhile Vegeta and Trunks are making good progress with their training and Vegeta is now more powerful than Goku. Tien who was watching Piccolo and Cell's fight fly's in to help. Cell who is now desperate to absorb the androids fights them. #16 who cannot take anymore fights Cell. Although #16 is good natured he makes a good apponent and stands a good chance against Cell. But Cell who doesn't want a long fight tries many times to absorb him. #16 is now very damaged and Cell absorbes

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Vegeta and Trunks finish their training in the Room of Time and Space, and they both look worn out but in better shape. Goku and Gohan then enter the Room of Time and Space to begin their training, and Vegeta and Trunks after putting on some new armor fly down to fight a now half perfect Cell who is more than anxious to absorbed #18. Vegeta who is now an Ultimate Super Saiyan takes to physically humiliating Cell who cannot believe how strong Vegeta is.

Vegeta who is still not satisfied powers up to his Ultimate Super Saiyan stage and beats Cell till he’s scared stiff. Trunks watches on as his father puts on a tremendous show and is in shock when Vegeta disregards Cell as a weak fighter and shows him mercy. Cell who is very excited about this news takes off and tries to absorb #18, but Trunks who’s whole purpose was to stop Cell from becoming Perfect flys in Cells way and tries to stop him. Krillin and Trunks try their best but Cell manages to absorb #18 by using the solar flare technique against Trunks and Krillin.

Cell then turns into Perfect Cell and defeats Vegeta who is knocked unconcious. Krillin carry’s him away so he can be safe from the wrath of Cell. Trunks is in shock and cannot believe that Cell is now Perfect. A quick battle then begins between Cell and Trunks, but the young saiyan is no match for Cells awesome power and he retreats. Vegeta then regains conciousness and everyone retreats back to Kame’s Lookout where Goku and Gohan are still training. They are both now growing physically stronger and Gohan becomes a Super Saiyan while training with Goku.

Cell allows the Z-Warriors to have a little time before he begins his Cell game which Cell thinks is the perfect way to prove who the strongest is. Goku and Gohan finnaly come out of the Room of Time and Space and both of them seem different. The rest of the Z-Warriors can sense their change in power and Gohan shows off his Super Saiyan technique. Goku then after taking a little vacation with Gohan and Krillin takes off to Planet Namek using his instant transportation technique and gets Dende to come back with him to Earth. Dende has now taken on the role of the new guardian of Earth and All the Z-Warriors head down to fight against Cell. Gohan desides to wear Piccolo's type of clothing instead of the Saiyan armor that he was wearing before, and a warrior named Satan makes his appearance in the Cell Game.

Goku steps up to the ring. As silence has taken over, Cell tells Goku to attack. The fight has started. Goku and Cell are throwing and dodging each other's punches. Goku kicks Cell out of the ring, but gets up before touching the ground. They start fighting again. Cell gets Goku trapped in a wave of punches and lures him to the edge of the ring, but, Goku teleports to the other side of the ring. As Cell and Goku square of together, they know they are each hiding their true power, and so does Gohan. Finally, Goku starts powering up.

As everyone's dazed by Goku's strength, Gohan doesn't seem impressed. Cell also starts powering up as well. The full power battle has begun. Goku attacks first, hitting Cell around the ring. Cell is not excited by Goku's strength and bursts out with laughter. Cell then does Tienshinhan's "Shishin-No-Ken," dividing himself into 4, Cell attacks Goku but doesn't get through his defense. Cell now uses Piccolo's "Makakoosampoo," but Goku flies up and just misses the attack. Cell's 4 counter parts fly toward him, but, Goku is smart, he was waiting for them to separate and hits them down to the ring and they merge back together. Cell, annoyed, now does the attack Frieza used at Goku on Namek. When Cell noticed Goku was too smart for the attack he now does Goku's most powerful move: The "KA-ME-HA-ME-HA." Everyone is frightened because Cell is aiming for the earth. Cell releases the beam at Goku, Goku flies up in hopes that Cell will direct the beam toward Goku into the sky and away from the Earth. Goku then uses Teleportation at the last second before getting hit with the beam and kicks Cell to the side. Now Cell knows about Goku's Teleportation technique. Cell now shows his real, super fast, speed to Goku.

Cell and Goku are showing of their incredible speed. Mr. Satan tries to figure out how they are disappearing and flying, he thinks it is a trick. Cell and Goku are still fighting, using up KI every second. Cell is excited because Goku is a true fighter. They go at it again. Cell proposes to get rid of the rule "out." As Goku yells at the top of his lungs for everyone to get away from the ring because Cell is about to vaporize it. They manage to get out in time. Now Cell wants to fight to the end with Goku. They engage in battle again. Goku and Cell are testing each other's strength by a game of mercy. It seems that they are both equal in Speed and Strength. Desperate Goku, devises a plan. He flies up toward the sky and starts to power up for a "Kamehameha." If he shoots it will be the end of the Earth. At the last second, Goku quickly teleports back down to the ground under Cell and releases the "Kamehameha." Goku blows the whole top of Cell's torso off.

Cell gets up and regenerates his upper half. Goku and Cell begin to fight again, both still seem to be equal in power. Cell nails Goku with a punch and sends him flying into rocks. Goku gets up, furiously throws thousands of KI blasts at Cell. He doesn't stop, using up most of his KI, Goku still manages to throw crazy amounts of shots at Cell. Cell then makes a barrier around him, protecting him from Goku's vicious attack. Impressed by Goku's attack, Cell congratulates Goku for his genius. Goku descends toward the ground and calls out "I surrender."

Goku shouts out that he knows someone that will defeat Cell. And his name, his name is, you guessed it, Gohan! Everyone thinking that Goku sent his own son to his death, Goku, on the other hand, has strong confidence that Gohan will succeed. With that confidence, Goku asks for a Senzu Bean and throws it to Cell. Everyone thinks Goku lost head. Cell is now more powerful than before since he has cells from Saiya-jins. Now Gohan powers up and shows his full strength. No body can believe that he had gotten so strong.

Cell is tests Gohan's abilities, and both looked equal in power. Gohan manages to get in a few hits, but Cell is too strong. Cell sends Gohan into the rocks as he did to Goku earlier. Thinking Gohan has been defeated, Cell looks at Goku thinking he will take a Senzu for himself and continue the battle with him. Goku tells Cell to look behind him. Gohan vaporizes the rocks and walks toward Cell to tell him he does not want to fight anymore. He knows why Goku picked him to fight Cell. Gohan afraid of his own power, doesn't want to get mad like he did in past fights like Raditz, Nappa, and Frieza. Cell starts laughing like crazy. Wanting to see Gohan's hidden powers, Cell starts torturing Gohan to make him mad.

Cell, determined to make Gohan mad, grabs him and squeezes him almost to the point when his bones would crush. Piccolo worried about Gohan tells Goku he made a mistake and that his son is still a small boy and doesn't know that you are trying to make him release his anger. Goku realizes this and asks for a Senzu bean to join the fight. Cell drops Gohan, realizing his efforts must be turned to the Z-fighers, and grabs the Senzu bean bag from Krillin, preventing any more trouble to him. Cell returns to Gohan, but surprisingly, Android #16 jumps out of no where and grabs Cell in an arm lock. Preparing to detonate and destroy Cell, #16 tells Everyone to get away from the area as he is self detonating. Everyone is under cover, but #16 did not explode. Why? Krillin says that Bulma and her father took out the mega bomb from #16 because it was a threat to the world and Goku. Cell blows #16 into bits of pieces and only his head remains. Cell, still not successful making Gohan mad, counts all the Z-fighters. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7." Then Cell releases his 7 Cell Juniors, which are all almost as strong as Cell himself. Cell orders the Cell Juniors to attack, and kill them if they want.

The Cell Juniors approach the Z-fighters. Vegeta, Goku, Trunks, and everyone powers up for the worst. Goku is exhausted from the battle with Cell and Piccolo tells everyone to protect Goku. The Cell Juniors are too strong. Vegeta can't lose to anyone like them. Vegeta fires a final flash to one of the Juniors, but no effect, he just stopped it and kicked it to the side. All hope is lost. Android #16's head tells Mr. Satan to bring him over to Gohan, in hopes he can give Gohan the pep talk he needs. Mr. Satan runs toward Gohan and throws #16's head to him. #16 tells Gohan to get mad, to save the earth, to save all of the nature he loves. Cell them stumps on #16, killing him for good. Now Cell has crossed the line, Gohan is no fueled with anger. This is one of the most memorable scenes in the series. As Gohan explodes with anger, everyone is in shock, including Cell. Gohan appears to have a killer look in his eyes now that his true power has shown. Could this be? A level beyond Super Saiya-jin? Yup. Super Saiya-jin 2!!

Gohan is still screaming in anger.. His power increases dramatically, his body increases in mass, and his hair lifts upward. Cell is excited to see so much power. Gohan takes the Senzu bean bag from Cell and heads toward the Z-team to kill the Cell Juniors. Gohan kills all the Cell Juniors with only one hit! As the other Juniors run away in fear, Gohan shows no mercy, and kills the remaining ones. Gohan throws the Senzu beans to Trunks so he can revive everyone. Shocked and excited, Cell is eager to fight the new Gohan.

Trunks gives everyone a senzu bean, because they all got beaten up by the Cell Juniors. All of the Z-team just can't believe how strong Gohan has gotten. Vegeta is now even more pissed because he is not the 3rd strongest person. Cell tells Gohan to attack him. It appears that Cell and Gohan are both evenly matched with power. Gohan has the upper hand, though. Gohan angers Cell by dodging all of his moves. Cell now gets furious and tells Gohan don't be over confident, because he is still not at his full power. Cell starts powering up, again, and we notice that his power and speed increased greatly. But is it enough? Nope! Gohan staggers Cell with 2 punches and knocks him down to the ground, causing Cell to cough out blood.

Cell still cannot believe he is weaker than a little kid. Fueled with more anger, cell fires 2 Kienzan's at Gohan, but gohan stops them in mid air with his arms and blows them up. Cell then flies up and shoots a Ma-Ka-Poo-Sam-Poo toward Gohan. Gohan just deflects that like it was nothing. And finally Cell loses, without any care, fires a huge Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha toward gohan. Gohan shoots his own Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha at him. (this is the first one out of the 2.) Cell is still alive, well.. not all of him. His left arm, left leg, and the top of his head have are gone. Goku tells Gohan to finish Cell off before its too late, but Gohan wants Cell to suffer more. Cell regenerates his lost limbs and screams out witheverything he has: "Damn it" about 5 times and his body triples in size. Cell is very strong now, but way too slow. Gohan kicks Cell down. Cell starts having problems holding his "perfect body" now and spits out Android #18.

Cell starts to power down to his other form when he just absorbed Android #17. With his hope, power, and will, lost, Cell decides to end it all. Cell starts to increase his body mass into something like a huge hot-air balloon. This is his self detonation technique. Gohan is urged to kill him before he completes, but Cell says there's no way to stop him now. An attack would just make a premature explosion. There is nothing anyone can do now. The end of the world has come. But wait.. Goku has a very brave idea! Goku teleports in front of Cell and puts his hand on his stomach. Goku says his good-bye's to Gohan and tells him he is very proud of him. Goku now turns his attention to Cell and teleports to King-Kai's planet. King Kai is very pissed, as you can imagine, Goku sacrificing King Kai's, Bubble's, Gregory's life and his own. Cell explodes and kills them all. There is no trace of Cell in hell or the check in station.. Where has he gone? (definitely not Heaven) King-Kai yells at Goku for killing him and then set land on part of snake-way. Krillin picks up and carries Android #18 over to the others. Cell then reappears and fires a fatal shot at Trunks.

With a surprised and frightened look on everyone's face, it looks like Goku's efforts were all in vain. Cell starts telling everyone how this lucky turn of events happened to him. He says that a nucleus in his brain survived the explosion and therefore regenerated Cell's Perfect body, even without the Androids. Vegeta is on an urge of exploding with rage. Vegeta lashes out full force at Cell, firing everything he has. With the fury of not being the strongest being there is, and beaten by low-class soldiers, Vegeta was even more fueled with fury at Cell. He had to be the one to kill him. Unfortunately, Vegeta's efforts were also in vain, for Cell didn't even have a mark on him from all of Vegeta's hundreds of thousands of blasts shot toward Cell. Cell knocks Vegeta down with a painful uppercut and is sent down to the ground. Saying his good-bye's to Vegeta, Cell fires a final blast toward Vegeta to finally kill him. But, no, Gohan fly's to help Vegeta and is caught in the blast. We see Gohan dripping endless amounts of blood down his body from his arm. Gohan has broken his left arm because of the blast, but managed to save Vegeta for the least. Cell puts his hands together and is ready to fire the 'Ultimate' Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha attack ever seen in the universe.

Realizing Vegeta was a burden to Gohan and that he may have ruined the chances of beating Cell, he apologizes to Gohan for what he did. Gohan is surprised to hear Vegeta apologizing also realizes that Vegeta knows that this is the end. Cell begins to tell his story of how he was made by Dr. Gero and that this is what he meant when he said this was the 'Ultimate' android. Gohan knows he is not going to make it through this and says he will be with his father shortly. Goku then telepathically talks to Gohan through King-Kai, telling him that he is the strongest Saiya-Jin ever and to give him the biggest Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha the universe has ever seen. Cell and everyone else is thinking Gohan has lost in insanity because he's talking to himself, but they don't know his father is helping him. Gohan then powers up a Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha and both Cell and Gohan release their enormous attacks. The struggle between the fate of the universe has once again begun. Is it an illusion that Goku is beside Gohan? Or is he really there??

Gohan and Cell seem to be holding off each other's Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha equally. The earth shakes like it never shook before. Meanwhile, Baba, Chichi's grandmother, comes to provide them a view of the fight with her crystal ball. Chichi then faints when she sees Gohan broke his arm. The Nameks on New Namek are all emotional on everything that is happening and fear the worst. Back in Earth, Cell seems to be gaining the upper hand now. Goku tells Gohan he can do better than that. He saved Goku's like many times before and he can do it again, and save everyone's. Goku tells him not to worry about the damage that Gohan fears he might cause to the Earth if he goes all out, they can fix that later. Gohan gains control over the wave and both are equal again. Piccolo, unwilling to just stand there and wait for his end, takes off full force toward Cell in effort to help Gohan as much as he can. The others follow his as well. Giving everything they have, the Z-team bravely gives everything they have and falls down with exhaustion. They get up yet again and start firing at Cell again. Cell mad at these pesky insects and blows them all down to the ground. Vegeta stands on a cliff near by, surprised of everything that has happened through this whole ordeal, gets pissed off watching the end approaching. Vegeta then takes off and shoots everything he has left toward Cell. Goku now tells Gohan that now is the time. Now is the time to let it all go. Explode. Gohan screams with everything he has, the music starts getting suspenseful. Gohan explodes with enormous energy and Cell is blown to bits. His nucleus has been completely destroyed this time. Exhausted, Gohan falls to the ground with a smirk on his face. He finally did it. Everyone gathers around him and releases breath of relief.

There's much rejoicing, and the group is going to take the bodies to Kami-sama's and get some senzu beans. The others fly off, leaving Piccolo and Vegeta behind. Then Piccolo comments on Vegeta's having helped, and he replies that he didn't do it to save Earth, whose people he doesn't care about. Piccolo understands. Vegeta talks to himself, about having done it for his kid. He also fumes about Kakarot's going off and dying so that Vegeta can't kill him himself. He doesn't have anyone to fight anymore. Satan is gibbering, and the announcer asks what happened. Thinking fast, the wrestler realizes that no one else saw the end of the fight. Satan declares that he'd stepped in at the last minute and saved everyone. The balls of light were just a trick. He's the one that defeated Cell. So, the announcer repeats this to the viewing audience, and the masses of the world start chanting Satan's name. At Kami-sama's, Dende is healing #18, and Yamcha is warning him to leave before he gets killed (Krillin doesn't think that's going to happen.) #18 jumps up, and Krillin quickly tells her what had happened, #18 is surprised that it was Gohan, and Yamcha says "Yes!! And he's really strong, too!" Piccolo adds that she owes Krillin for the favor of saving her body, and Krillin says it was nothing. Gohan suddenly realizes that Krillin likes #18, Krillin tells him to shut up, and the others just figure it out for the first time. #18 insults Krillin, and flies off. Yamcha yells out more insults, Tien tells him that he's wasting his time, and Piccolo wants them to hurry up and summon Shenlon. Gohan reassures Krillin that all his friends are here, and Krillin tearfully tells him to shut up. Shenlon appears, and #18 pauses to find out why the sky has gone black. The first wish is to bring back everyone killed by Cell, but Piccolo doesn't feel Goku will return too. Shenlon asks for the second wish, Yamcha asks about Goku, and is told "no-go." Then, Goku pipes up, via Kaiou-sama, and reassures them that with peace on Earth, there's nothing more for him to do. Besides, he'll meet them all again when they die, too. He tells them "Bye, bye." Shenlon stammers out, asking about the next wish. Yamcha asks if asking for a necklace for his girlfriend is right. After thinking a long time, Krillin wants to know if #17 and #18 could be made fully human again. The dragon answers that since the androids are stronger than him, he can't do it. Yamcha wants to know why #17 is being included, and Piccolo states that since everyone killed by Cell has been wished back to life, that included #17. Krillin then asks if the explosive devices inside the two androids can be removed. "Yes, I can do that." Shenlon says. It is done, Shenlon disappears, and Trunks asks why? Krillin bashfully says that having bombs in you is a pitiful thing. Krillin wonders about Yamcha's girlfriend, and the fighters tell him that that was just a cheap gag. Tien wants to know why the bomb was removed from #17, and Krillin replies that it seemed reasonable, since #17 and #18 are probably lovers. Piccolo doesn't understand this love stuff. #18 jumps out from behind the pillar, calling Krillin an idiot. The two androids are brother and sister. They don't owe anybody anything for having the bombs removed. However, she leaves again with "until later." Yamcha shouts out "Until later. You hear that? You still have a chance with her." Piccolo reiterates that he really doesn't understand this love thing. Then there's silence, as they realize that Goku is really gone. Tien decides to leave, because Chao-zu is probably worried. He doesn't think they'll meet again, so everyone gives each other their best wishes and Trunks is told to return to the future and restore peace. Trunks is returning to the future. Piccolo is staying at Kami-sama's, but Gohan is given leave to come there and play with both Piccolo and Dende. The group splits up. Chi Chi breaks down at the news of Goku's death. Later, Trunks is saying good-bye to people, and Vegeta signs his approval of the boy.

In Trunk's future, in the West sector... Trunks announces that he's back, and Bulma welcomes him. He explains that the time in the Room of Spirit and Time had caused him to age 1 year in 24 hours. He further tells her what happened, and that he found his father to be a really cool guy (Bulma has trouble accepting that description of Vegeta.) The radio announces that the androids are back, and Trunks goes out to fight them and return peace to the world. #17 and #18 are bantering about losing computer games when an old man shoots #17 in the face. The old man dies, and Trunks shows up to end the killing. #17 comments on the wimp still being alive, and #18 asks if it's OK for her to kill the guy off now. Trunks easily destroys her, and #17 asks how this is possible. Trunks just states that he's going to get revenge for the deaths of Gohan and friends. He finishes off #17, and says that it's over. Three years later, it's time for Cell to appear, and Trunks is going through the motions of going back in time. He then announces that he knows that Cell is present, and that the monster wants to kill him to take the time machine and go back to eat #17 and #18 to become complete. Cell wants to know how his victim knows this. This time, Trunks is going to finish things. They talk over past events, and Trunks states that he's the one that finished off #17 and #18 in this timeline. He blows Cell up into the air, and the two of them go out to an unpopulated area outside the city. They brag a bit, then attack. Cell then decides to demonstrate a really frightening power (kamehame-ha) and Trunks just completely eradicates the monster. Cell swears and dies. Trunks has won, and he thanks Goku and friends.