Buu Saga
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Buu Saga
The first episode of the Buu Saga starts off with teenage Gohan flying down to Vegeta and Bulma's house on his flying Nimbus. He seems happy because he's picking up his The Grand Saiya-Man costume from Dr.Briefs. Bulma arrives at the house and finds Vegeta and Chibi Trunks,(who I will refer to as Trunks), training and Trunks is more than glad to see Gohan, looking up to him as his bigger brother and all, he greats him. Gohan tries on his new outfit and heads out to go save the world. Gohan then goes through a couple of the first episodes saving average people from such things as car crashes, robberys, and a hostage situation in which he helps out his classmate Videl who is the daughter of Satan and is a regular tomboy. Goten the second son of Goku is shown training with Gohan in the mountains for the upcoming Budoukai in which Goten and Gohan have entered themselves. Also Goku who is training in King Kai's planet will be entering in the Budoukai for his one day of being allowed to come to Earth. Gohan becomes very attached to the girl named Videl and decides to train her in flight ability. He asks Goten to demonstrate for him and Goten is more than enjoying himself when Gohan teaches him how to fly. Chi Chi is not pleased about Videl and they both have a little tongue confruntation. Everyone gathers up at the Budoukai waiting for Goku's arrival and Gohan is still wearing his outfit.

Goku arrives and is greeted with cheers and hugs, but he is surprised to see Goten who up to this point never excisted to Goku. Goten is also surpised to see his father for the first time and is a little shy. The warriors head up to the entrance of the arena and are a little worried about the strength testing machine in which each warrior has to punch it. Goku hits it soft and tells Vegeta to do the same, but Vegeta who believes that a warrior should not hide his true power breaks the machine causing everyone around to stare at him. They enter the Arena and find out the childrens tournament is before the adults. So while Goten and Trunks wait the rest of the warriors head up to find Kaiou-shin a magical warrior and his friend Kibit, who are waiting for Goku's arrival to warn him about the coming of an evil warrior called Buu. Goku and Kaiou-shin make a plan to find Buu or rather his master Babi Di who is planning on using the energy of the strongest warrior in the Budou-Kai to wake up Buu and give him the energy needed to conquer all once again. Goku who knows that Gohan is the strongest decides not to tell Gohan about their plan to use Kibit to make him angry. Meanwhile at the tournament Goten and Trunks are going through warriors after warriors making it to the top of the list. Goten is more than pleased that he and Trunks are facing each other. Goku and the rest return to watch the fight from above, as Goten and Trunks make their way out to the ring. Gohan states that this will be an interesting fight and still does not know of Goten and Trunks ability to turn SSJ. They begin their fight and everyone is surprised as these two children, who are almost similar in power, go at it in a fury of punches and kicks. The fight is pretty even until Trunks grabs Goten from behind and is planning on breaking Gotens arms. Goten who believes that he cannot get out of the hold unless he gives it his all turns SSJ. Goku is startled to see his young son turn SSJ and Gohan is more than happy that Goten didn't lose so easily. Trunks is a little angry that Goten resulted to going SSJ and the battle continues until Trunks knocks Goten out of the ring by turning SSJ. Goten barely touches the audiences seats and is disqualified.

After a little argument Goten heads back inside the locker rooms. Satan who was watching the whole fight from his little t.v. heads down to award Trunks but receives a punch from Trunks. After that Trunks also returns to the locker rooms and the adult tournament begins. Krillin begins the tournament by facing a huge warrior who is easily defeated. Piccolo goes next against Kaiou-shin who uses his magical powers to influence Piccolo and win the match. After that Videl goes on to face one of the aliens who came to steal the power of the most powerful warrior. Gohan stands angrily throughout the fight as he watches Videl being brutally beaten. Gohan let's his anger get the best of him and flies in to help Videl taking her back to the locker rooms to let her rest until they can find a senzu bean to heal her. Gohan heads out to face Kibit who mocks Gohan continueously. Gohan who is know pissed charges up to full power. The two aliens called Supopo and Yamuu who are watching see Gohans tremendous power and fly out to get it. Gohan senses them but is paralized by Kaiou-shin and Supopo and Yamuu take Gohans energy. After taking Gohans energy they head out to bring it back to Babi Di and Goku and the rest follow them. After being healed Gohan decides to follow them with Kibit along side him.

While the group is flying along, Goku and Kaiou-shin are discussing Buu and Babi-di. Basically, Supopo and Yamuu the two aliens from the tournament, need to get human energy to reactivate the powerful magical being, Buu. Trailing behind the main group are Kibit, Gohan, and Videl. Gohan is asking why the bad guys wanted to attack him at the budoukai, and Kibit answers that Super Saiya-jin energy is the best for resurrecting Buu. He adds that he and Shin have long wanted to know where Babi-di had hidden Buu, and are using the two aliens to pinpoint the target's whereabouts. Shin continues this conversation. Kibit wants to speed up a little to catch up to the main group, and Videl has to return to the Budoukai, unable to keep up. Gohan tells her to link up with Goten and Chi Chi. Videl agrees to do this, adding that she knows Gohan is the "golden-haired warrior." He apologizes for lying to her about it. She also guesses that Gohan was the child at the battle with Cell 7 years ago, and that he was the one who defeated Cell, not her father. Gohan is reluctant to answer this part. She says that it's ok, and tells Gohan to try his best in defeating Babi-di and saving everyone. Waving, Videl calls out that she'll be waiting at the budoukai. Kibit is bothered by the delay and wants to catch up with Kaiou-shin. Gohan apologizes again. Their speed surprises Videl, who hopes that Gohan won't die, she wants him to return for their date. Up ahead, Supopo-bitchi and Yamuu are racing along. Gohan and Kibit are welcomed to the ranks of the Z Fighters. Shin gives a warning, and they all settle down to hide among the rocks. Below them, the two aliens have landed in front of what looks like the nose of a buried spaceship.

The Z Fighters are asking who the guy next to the door is, and are told it's not Babi-di. Kibit is frustrated, because Babi-di wouldn't have any real reason to come outside. The group argues over whether to attack the installation before Buu can receive Gohan's energy. Shin assures them that it's ok, and that they should wait just a little longer. The door guard goes inside, and Gohan notices the dead bodies at the nearby farmhouse. Then, Piccolo announces that someone is coming out. A wrinkled old guy comes out next to a tall demond. One of the group recognizes the tallest bad guy as the strongest of the black world. Goku asks about him, and Kaiou-shin (Kaiou God) explains that there's another universe/world, where magic rules, and Darbura is the strongest one there, but he works for Babi Dee. Krillin becomes very frightened at the creature's potential power. Gohan asks if the wrinkled, old guy is Babi Dee, and wonders at his possible abilities. Physically weak, Babi Dee has frighteningly strong magic powers, and is Darbura's boss. They talk about how bad a situation this is, and Vegeta asks about their chances of winning a fight. The answer is dead silence, and he is happier for it (means a good fight, which he won't lose.) Goku tells Krillin that it's ok if he leaves now, and doesn't fight. Krillin is relieved, but embarrassed. Babi Dee wants to reward the two bad guys for filling up the tube container with energy, and the bigger guy says he likes the fun work. Babi tells them that their business is ended, and causes the big guy to explode. Babi then states that he always likes the sound of people exploding. The other bad guy flies away in fear, and Babi Dee asks if Puipui wants to take a turn. Puipui answers "yes," and fires a blast after the target. It explodes, and Babi says "Nice Shot." The Z Fighters are horrified. Babi Dee and Darbura discuss the people they sense up in the rocks. Babi recognizes Kibit and Kaiou-shin, whose energy he can't use. However, there are also 3 people with very high levels of energy that can be used to help resurrect Buu. Darbura can kill Kaiou-shin and Kibit, and take the energy from the other three before killing all of them. Puipui and Babi Dee leave, to let Darbura work on his own. Vegeta comments on this, and then realizes that the Z Fighters are about to be attacked. Darbura attacks, killing Kibit, and using his spit to turn Piccolo and Krillin to stone. Kaiou-shin tries to prevent the others from following Darbura into the ship, however, he adds that the only way to reverse the spell of stone is to kill Darbura. Goku doesn't need any other excuse, and the heroes fly towards the door. They learn that the inside of the ship is basically Babi's domain, and he will capture any damage energy to help restore Buu. The only way out is to fight, since they can't escape now. Which is ok by Vegeta, since he doesn't plan on running away. Puipui is sent out as the Stage 1 fighter, with orders to get energy. Babi-di is gleefully injecting Gohan's energy into the braincase-sphere housing Buu. However, the energy meter reads less than half of what is required. Supposedly, Yamuu and Supopo were to have gotten the energy of 100 people to amass the huge amount needed, but Darbura hadn't been listening to that part of the discussions. Babi-di curses over having the two minions killed, but Darbura wants to know what the problem is, there's three people with lots of energy in the first stage of the ship. So, they go up to the control room to watch Puipui handle things. But, the fighting hasn't started yet.

Turns out that Gohan, Goku, and Vegeta are using scissors-paper-stone to decide who gets to kill Puipui. Vegeta wins. Babi-di is confused, and Shin wants to know why Vegeta is going to fight by himself. Vegeta answers that one is more than enough. Puipui is convinced that he'll win, and get the energy for his leader. Vegeta claims to be the world's strongest fighter, Puipui sneers at this, Shin wants to gang up on Puipui, and Goku claims that there's no problem. They bluster a bit. Then, it's time to fight, and Babi-di giggles in anticipation. Puipui attacks, and is easily smashed into the wall. There's some high speed running around, and Babi-di and Shin are shocked at how easily Puipui is being roughed up. Babi-di asks where Puipui's favorite place is, and Darbura answers 'the high gravity planet Bun.' Babi-di comments on this, and chants out Papparapa!!! Suddenly, the fighters are teleported to Bun. Gohan wonders over what has just happened, and Shin answers that Babi-di can change this room to match whatever conditions are desired. This is probably Puipui's optimal fighting situation. Puipui gloats: The 10 times Earth-normal gravity is just like that back on his home planet. However, Vegeta isn't bothered, and Puipui accuses the Saiya-jin of lying. Vegeta decides to show that he's not bluffing. Puipui blows up real good. Vegeta complains about this not being fun enough, and Goku realizes that the hole in the ground is probably an elevator. The group jumps in. Gohan states that this is like a TV game, and Vegeta calls it a lousy one. Goku tells Shin to hurry up and follow them. Kaiou-shin is in shock, and Babi-di is starting to fume. Goku wonders over the fact that it looks like they haven't teleported at all. Babi-di asks Darbura about these humans and Darbura answers that it wasn't like this during the study 300 years earlier. Of course, the humans won't last through the next three stages. Darbura asks who the stage 2 fighter is, and is told 'Yakon.' He then asks if Yakon has gotten that good already. Babi answers that Yakon will probably defeat everyone by itself.

Darbura comments that he'll be missing out on some of the fun if that happens. Babi answers that the real fun will come in waking Buu from its long sleep. Darbura is amused, and tells a minion to alert Yakon. Goku and Vegeta are getting impatient for something to fight, and Kaiou-shin berates them (cautioning them over the fact that they don't know what Buu can do at full power.) Vegeta comments that Buu can't be much different from Darbura, which stuns the punk. Vegeta doesn't think that Darbura is all that tough, and Kaiou-shin asks Goku if this is true. Goku expects that Buu is about as strong as Cell had been, 7 years ago. Kaiou can't believe this, and is wondering if the Super Saiya-jin are really so strong. Goku yells out for the enemy to come and attack him already. The door opens, and Yakon steps out. Goku asks what this monster is. It asks who it's going to get to eat, and Goku replies that he's the one to do the fighting. Kaiou-shin recognizes the magical being called Yakon. They fight, and Goku comments on how close one attack had gotten, the attack had ripped his uniform. Gohan remarks on the monster's being big and nimble. Kaiou-shin wants everyone to get in on the fight, but Gohan says that it's ok for his father to work alone. Goku complains about Yakon's sickle-like nails. Then, Babi, laughing, announces to Yakon that it can kill everyone, and to do it quickly, and anyway it likes. Darbura and Babi discuss the use of Ankokusei (a spell Babi casts to teleport everyone to a place that has no light,) and the revival of Buu. The room goes dark, Goku can't see anything, but Yakon can. The monster attacks, expecting to easily make his first kill. But, it misses, and it wonders why. Goku says that he can hear the air moving. He adds that his side can use magic too, then becomes a Super Saiya-jin. He states that he can see the monster, and Babi marvels over this new complication. Goku has powered up, and Babi-di is trying to figure out what has just happened. Darbura replies that the guy is just emitting some light, no problem. Babi-di orders a minion to get the best energy meter in the ship. Goku asks the monster what happens now that he can see in the dark, and the creature states that nothing has changed. Babi-di is having trouble accepting the meter's reading of 3000 kiri, as does Darbura. The wizard wonders if the machine is broken. The monster, Yakon, is sure to win, but only measures at 800 kiri. Yakon inhales, swallowing Goku's energy and causing him to power down. The room is dark again, and Shin suddenly remembers that Yakon's ability is to suck radiation, which is something that affects Super Saiya-jin. Yakon comments on the deliciousness of the energy, and that he wants more. Gohan yells out that since the monster eats light emissions, it's pointless for Goku to continue trying to fight as a Super Saiya-jin. Yakon agrees, but Goku wants to give it another try. Yakon and Vegeta wonder what the hero is thinking, and Gohan volunteers to team up to fight in Super Saiya-jin mode as a two-some. However, Goku intends to fight alone. Yakon calls him an entertaining idiot. Shin agrees, saying that this is not a game. Vegeta knows better, but isn't sure what the plan is. The monster starts inhaling, and Goku starts pumping out the energy (he doesn't plan on losing.)

Babi-di is pissed, because inflicting damage is good, consuming energy is bad. Yakon keeps eating, and Goku kicks up the power. Yakon goes bulumic, and explodes. Vegeta is satisfied, Goku wants to return to the rocket room, Shin is beyond shocked, and Gohan praises his father's performance. Babi-di can't believe that Yakon exploded, Darbura isn't so impressed (thinking that Yakon simply screwed up.) Babi-di knows better, since Yakon was supposed to be so good in these matters. He wants to know what's with these people. So, Darbura decides to be the Stage 3 fighter. Babi-di asks about his chances of winning, and the guy answers that he's Darbura, the strongest guy in the magic world.

Goku asks what Gohan is going to do in the next fight, but Vegeta answers "Nothing. He's gotten weak with the peace and lack of training. My power is greater than his." Gohan laughs nervously. Kaiou-shin is in shock at Goku's performance, and is having trouble believing that he's not as strong as the "Humans." Darbura steps out, and tells them that with the defeat of Yakon, they're not going to be facing the stage 3 fighter. Instead, they get him. Vegeta remarks on the number one guy coming out to fight so soon, and Darbura says the Saiya-jin has a dirty mouth. He wants to take on Vegeta, but Gohan claims that it's his turn to beat someone on his own. This annoys the big guy and Babi. Back at the Budoukai, the announcer is nervously telling everyone that a large number of the competitors are missing. The judges are trying to decide what to do, since nearly an hour has passed, and they only have five people left to do the fighting. Mister Satan claims that the missing ones left because they were afraid of facing him, and he praises the guys still in line to fight. One fighter is pleased with the praise, but the disguised Trunks isn't impressed. Satan makes his appearance, telling everyone that it's safe with him around. The crowd goes wild. The judges ask him what to do, and Satan decides that the 5 remaining people will go into a Battle Royale. One judge questions this, and Mr. Satan wonders if the guy doesn't like his idea (if not, he'll just go home without fighting.) The judges say it's a great idea. The announcer tells the audience what's happening, and they think Satan's idea is great, too. One judge congratulates Satan on his courage, for deciding on the Battle Royale, and Satan asks about this.

The judge tells him that since he's so powerful, all four opponents will gang up on him. Satan answers that it's no problem because he's the champion. He also realizes that he's blown it big time. The announcer announces the start of the Battle Royale, and has to call Satan's name several times. Then there's the strangely named #18, the Mighty Mask, Killer, and the lady's man and Satan protoge, Jewel. The women all call out Jewel's name, and he blows a kiss to them. Killer wants to team up with Trunks to attack Satan, and the Mighty Mask replies that the real one to worry about is #18. Killer wonders about the "man's" voice. Jewel starts out using French on #18, and tries to pick her up for a date after the fight. #18 blows him off as an eyesore. It's now time for the final deciding match. The crowd calls out Satan's name.

Satan is desperate, but willing to put up a good fight. The round starts. #18 drops Jewel, and Mighty Mask punches out Killer, in the first second. The women panic over Jewel's condition. The announcer rants about this, and Satan quickly realizes that this means he doesn't have to face two of them, and there's only two left. #18 considers the Mighty Mask to be something of a threat, and Trunks warns Goten that #18 is really strong. Satan dares the other two attack him, and is ignored. The announcer tells us that the match is down to three people: Mighty Mask, #18, and the Champion, Mister Satan.

Satan is planning his next move, knowing that he'll be the final winner. He expects to be able to beat the masked guy, and is thinking heavily about the cute girl fighter (she's no challenge, either.) So, he holds up the V sign, and the crowd goes wild. He's convinced that he's already won. Trunks and Goten both think he's an idiot. Satan challenges the Mighty Mask, and Trunks tells Goten to go. Satan starts his "Rolling Attack," and follows it with "Satan Punch!!!" Goten is already in front of #18, and Trunks and the android are in combat when Satan realizes that his punch has missed. The fight is going well, but Trunks is yelling at Goten to move to the right, and the boy says that he's doing exactly what he's being told to do. So, Goten leaps into the air, and #18 follows him. The announcer goes crazy, describing the air-born combat. Then, Trunks can't move fast enough, and #18 drops the pair back into the ring. The crater is so deep that the audience believes Mighty Mask to be dead. Then, Goten leaps up and out. Trunks tells him that it's ok for him to be kicking, too, but the boy complains about not being able to see. Satan is in shock. #18 fires an energy ball down at them, and Trunks shouts out a warning. Trunks is swearing, not wanting to lose. Goten tells him to turn into a Super Saiya-jin, and the other boy realizes that their disguise would hide the fact. So, they power up, as #18 figures out that MM's hands and feet are too small for his body. #18 recognizes the power surge. Trunks wants to use a strong attack, and Goten asks if this will be safe. The answer is "of course, #18 can't die."

Then, as #18 realizes that MM is actually two small Super Saiya-jin, Trunks fires. The android barely avoids the blast, which blows up a large portion of the ocean. Satan's jaw is about to touch the ground, Trunks complains about missing, and #18 realizes that the two runts are both VERY fast, VERY powerful, and have a VERY big energy attack. She decides to get this over with fast, and says that she's going to win, while also calling out Trunk's and Goten's names. Her energy ball causes the two boys to panic and escape in opposite directions. The ball cuts their costume in half, and the announcer thinks that MM has been halved. Trunks yells at Goten, and Chi Chi recognizes the two boys, as does #18's daughter. Trunks yells to Goten to escape, the announcer disqualifies them (kids aren't allowed to fight in the adult's rounds,) and then #18 lands to face Satan. The announcer asks who's going to win this final face-off, and Satan tells himself "I'm dead."

The crowd is chanting for both Satan and #18. The announcer is describing the situation, and Satan knows he can't win the 10 million zenii prize money. In the audience, Chi Chi is peevishly asking #18's daughter if it'd be nice for her mommy to win that money, and Kamesennin is already thinking of ways to spend it. Yamcha tries to put a damper on things by reminding them that they don't know what's happening to Goku and friends. Over the ocean, Trunks is upset at being found out, while Goten recognizes Videl. He calls out, and the girl flies over to them. In the ring, Satan is quaking with fear, then #18 attacks. She grabs the champion, and he pleads for her to not kill him.

She tells him that if he doesn't settle down, she WILL kill him. Then, she offers Satan a deal, #18 will allow herself to lose if Satan gives her million zenii. The announcer tells everyone that Mr. Satan is in a headlock, and asks what will happen next. Satan whispers back, complaining about the price of the deal, and #18 threatens to knock out the man. Then, she throws herself backwards. The crowd goes wild, while Satan tries to figure out what just happened. When he recovers, he goes through some punching moves, and blusters over his great prowess. However, #18 gets annoyed, calling the man an idiot and telling him to attack her. He's shocked, but is also a great actor, he lunges forward with his "Satan Miracle Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch." The crowd goes wild again, but #18 just stands there with Satan's fist in her face. She asks if that's the best he can do, then throws herself backwards out of the ring. So, Satan yells out "Did you see that? I beat the nasty girl with one punch! The "Satan Miracle Special Ultra Super Megaton Punch." Everyone yells out that Satan is #1. The crowd is screaming, as is the announcer. #18 walks along the side of the ring, stating that she'll drop by Satan's house tomorrow for the money. If she doesn't get it, she'll kill him.

Satan weakly replies that he understands. Over the ocean, Goten and Trunks are ecstatic at learning that their fathers have found some evil magic users. They locate the Z Fighters' ki's, and fly off before all of the fun is over (Trunks asks if Goten really wants to see this "Buu", and Goten frantically tries to assure his friend that he wants to see "Buu.") Videl stares after the boys water trails, and whispers "Uso." ("It's a lie", or "No way.") Gohan is fighting Darbura (in Super Saiya-jin mode.) The demon is getting bashed a bit, but he fires back with a breath of flame. Gohan gets faked out with One Pattern, and blown into the nearby river. The boy gets angry, and Goku comments that what Darbura is using is magic. Vegeta believes that Gohan is going to lose, and the demon notices something. Gohan rushes in, and Darbura spits at him. Shin shouts out a warning about turning to stone, and Gohan blocks the gob with his glove. The glove is ripped off, and shatters on impact with the ground.

(This explains what had happened to Piccolo and Krillin earlier, they have indeed been turned to stone.) Darbura creates a huge sword, which Gohan catches between his hands and breaks. Babi-di is berating Darbura for running the risk of damaging Buu's possible energy source. Then, an argument breaks out between Vegeta and Goku. Vegeta is tired of this screwing around, he wants to join in and finish off the demon so that he can return to what he really came for (fighting Goku in the Budoukai). Darbura stops fighting (confusing Gohan,) and telepaths to Babi-di that he may have found a way to help with reviving Buu. Babi-di teleports the group back to the rocket room, and Darbura escapes. But, he claims that he's not really escaping, he's just found the next fighter to do combat with the group.

Darbura then tells Babi-di that one of the group has a sufficiently evil heart to supply Buu with the type of energy needed to revive the creature. Babi is very happy. Gohan and Goku are trying to figure out what Darbura meant, and Shin thinks he knows. Babi is staring at Vegeta through his crystal ball, and realizes that the Saiya-jin prince has the perfect type of evil heart. The transformation starts, as Shin feared. Shin warns Vegeta that Babi can use the evil in people's hearts, but Vegeta tells him to shut up. Babi is cackling over how well this is going. Then, Vegeta turns Super Saiya-jin, and now has a scrpt "M" on his forehead. Babi is very pleased, and decides that they now need a good place to hold the battle.

With a "Papparapa!!", the group is teleported to the Budoukai site. The crowd is confused, the announcer is wondering how Goku and company got there, and Babi tells Vegeta to have fun, use energy, and that killing is ok. However, Vegeta tells Babi to shut up, since his only interest is Kakarot. Babi is surprised that his control over his creation isn't complete. Yamcha and Kamesennin notice that their friends are back, but that something's wrong. And, Satan has recognized the guys that had really been responsible for defeating Cell, and is in complete shock. Vegeta launches an energy blast at Goku, who calls the guy a bastard. The blast knocks Goku aside, and plows through the crowded stadium. There's a huge hole in the building, and probably a few hundred dead bodies. The survivors all yell to escape, Vegeta grins like the evil minion of Babi-di that he is, and Goku just utters "Vegeta." People are screaming and running away. Bulma wants to know what Vegeta is trying to do. Babi-di is ecstatic, with 200 dead. Satan panics, while Gohan asks Vegeta about all this. Vegeta replies that he'll fight Kakarot, or the mountain of bodies will grow. Goku wonders Vegeta got caught in Babi-di's trap on purpose. So, Vegeta kills a bunch more people (the survivors yell for help.) Goku powers up, but Shin tells him not to do this.

That the fighting here will only generate energy that Babi-di will use to resurrect Buu. Goku asks Vegeta if he'd gotten caught just to fight full out. The Saiya-jin states that he wants to defeat Goku, but that there's only one day to do this in. Shin goes ballistic over such petty concerns. However, Vegeta goes equally ballistic, raving over his need as a prince to be stronger than anyone. Goku yells out to Babi-di that he'll fight Vegeta if they're taken to a place with no people. Shin tries to stop him, saying that Goku will have to defeat Shin first. Goku readies a blast at Shin, panicking the Kaiou, and Gohan. So, Shin gives in, telling Goku to do what he likes. Goku apologizes. Babi-di laughs hysterically, and chooses a good place for the combat. With a Papparapa, the group finds itself on an empty planet. Satan states that he was planning on whaling on everyone, but they's escaped. Shin decides to take Gohan through the hole into the rocket ship. There, they'll face Babi-di and Darbura. He may wake up Buu that way, but it'll be better than if Buu wakes up because of receiving "damage energy."

Babi-di tells Vegeta to kill the interlopers. Vegeta struggles a bit, but answers that Kaiou-shin doesn't matter to him, he only cares about fighting Kakarot. Babi is stunned at discovering that Vegeta can disobey his orders. They argue, and Darbura says it doesn't matter, since they'll still get the energy. Babi opens the portal to let Kaiou-shin and Gohan enter, and Goku tells Gohan to remember the anger from the Cell game. Gohan also gets the second to the last Senzu Seed. Gohan gets to see the case holding Buu for the first time, and Babi and Kaiou trade insults. Goku and Vegeta want to get things over with quickly, so they go full power and start battling. They bash each up a bit, and generally enjoy themselves. Babi is explaining that they'd brought the rocket to Earth so that Buu could be brought up to full power. After that, Magical Being Buu will emerge from the container behind Babi. Shin plans on beating Babi and Darbura first, to stop Buu from coming out.

Then, Babi giggles and, with a "papparapa!!", he teleports them to a vacant planet of Darbura's liking. He asks if Darbura can now defeat Gohan, and the demon answers that he can beat that garbage. Gohan hears Goku's voice, reminding him of the anger he'd had when fighting Cell, adding that with that rage Gohan is the strongest one on Earth. The boy powers up, trying to remember that rage.

At the same time, Babi di's Shin, saying he doesn't need to teleport anywhere to beat the Kaiou. (The old Kaiou-shins had defeated Babi-di's father a long time ago; Babi claims that since his magic is stronger than his father's, he won't lose this time.) Suddenly, an alarm starts beeping, and Babi turns around in disbelief; Buu has been charged to full power faster than he could have expected. He shouts out "It's at full power!!!! Magical Being Buu is at full power!!!! Powerful Magical Buu is reborn!!!" Gohan doesn't understand, and Shin can't believe that this has come about because of Goku's damage energy. Then, Gohan pieces it together and realizes that if both Goku and Vegeta are fighting as Super Saiya-jin, the damage they're meting out to each other has to be fantastic. Babi and Darbura are ecstatic, and Shin berates himself for the ultimate screw-up. Meanwhile, Vegeta and Goku are smashing each other about the vacant countryside that Babi had provided for them. They are still within the influence of the ship, so the "damage energy" is somehow being collected as they fight. Trunks and Goten are racing forward. They become confused by the tremendous level of power they sense, and wonder if this is their fathers, and what is actually going on. Resolved, they keep moving. Goku comments that he's amazed, asking if Vegeta trained just like him. Vegeta replies that he'd trained even harder in the past, but that Goku is a natual genius.

He'd realized that when he saw Goku fighting the monster sent out by Babi. This was a great shock to him. He'd seen the two villians at the Budoukai, and noticed how much stronger they'd been made. He decided to allow himself to be controlled for that reason. He adds that it is exactly as he'd guessed. It's not something he wanted to do out of his own choice. Goku comments on the fact that someone with Vegeta's pride would actually allow himself to be controlled like this just to become strong. Vegeta answers that he just wants to return to his old state, and just fight without thinking about it. "While I was with you guys, I became more human. I didn't like that. I even have a family, and started liking living on Earth." By being controlled by Babi, he'd returned to his old evil self, and he's happier about it. Goku replies "Is that really true?" And, Buu's container starts venting out the excess energy as Babi and Darbura wait expectantly. Steam rushes from outlets around Buu's capsule, and Babi-di calls out that Buu is coming out. Kaiou-shin is giving up and wants to run. He and Gohan argue over this (Shin knows that no one can defeat Buu.) Babi is ecstatic, and Gohan is still waffling. Shin tells Gohan to run away fast, so Gohan switches up to full power. The others are surprised, and Gohan blasts at the capsule. Darbura grabs Babi and leaps out of the way of the energy beam. The blast hits the capsule, and Gohan keeps blasting. Babi claims that this will have no effect. Gohan focuses his blast, and the capsule shoots into the air and out of the way.

It lands, and rolls to a stop. The capsule cracks in two, and Babi announces that Buu is coming out. But, there's nothing inside. Darbura and Babi look on in shock, and Babi yells for Buu to come out. Shin relaxes in relief, claiming that Buu had been destroyed ("Buu has been asleep for a long time, no matter how much energy you feed him, he won't be as strong as before.") Darbura doesn't think that everything is lost, since they still have Vegeta. Shin counters that Goku is facing Vegeta (and he would, anyway,) Shin will accost Babi, and that leaves Gohan and Darbura. Then, there'll be peace again. Gohan disagrees. There's a strong energy coming from somewhere. He locates it in the cloud above them, and adds that it had come from the capsule. Babi can't see or sense anything, but Darbura realizes that that cloud had not been in the sky just a few minutes ago. The cloud shrinks, and the others look on in disbelief.

In the sky is a giant baby ("Buu is reborn," remember?) He kind of looks like a large turnip with arms and legs. He's wearing a black vest, a belt with a script 'M' on the front, a white cape , and baggy bloomers/diapers. His eyes are closed slits, and he has no nose. His first word is "Buu!!" Buu lands heavily on the ground, and the others look shocked. He looks around, and takes a breath of fresh air. Darbura asks if this is really Buu, and Babi replies that Kaiou-shin is the the only one who's actually seen Buu. Gohan also asks, and Kaiou replies that there's no forgetting that terrifying face (Shin is really coming across as an idiot here.) Babi hears this, and is convinced, but Darbura isn't so impressed. Gohan was expecting something bigger, Shin says it's useless to run away, and Babi runs forward, calling out to Magical Being Buu. Gohan thinks that maybe he can take Buu, if the creature would show its true power. Meanwhile, Vegeta and Goku are about to attack each other again, when Goku calls out to stop.

He feels a great power, and realizes that it's Buu's. Vegeta comments that from what Shin had said, he'd been expecting something stronger. He's disappointed. In fact, Shin had been surprised by how strong the Saiya-jin are. Therefore, while Buu may be terrifying from Shin's point of view, Buu isn't much compared to Vegeta and Goku. However, Goku thinks that Buu has a different kind of power. Vegeta takes this to mean that Goku wants to run off and angrily tells him to shut up and continue fighting. Babi is inching forward, introducing himself as the son of Bibi-di, and stating that he is the one who'd worked to get Buu released from the sphere after such a long time. Babi wants to become Buu's master, but Buu isn't interested. Babi rants about this, and Buu shocks him with a funny-face attack. Babi collapses in surprise, and Buu cackles to himself (a kind of laughing used in Japan long ago. Darbura calls Buu an idiot, claims that the creature has no power, and only has a stupid-looking face. Buu hears this, and hops over, acting like a very large baby.

Darbura states that if Buu wants to tangle with him, he really is a stupid creature. Gohan asks if Buu's recovery has been a failure, but Shin is still very panicked. Buu vents some air through holes in his head and arms. Then, Buu looks mean. Gohan reacts to this increase in power, and Buu pokes Darbura's eyes out. A spinning kick sends Darbura into the rocks some distance away. Gohan and Babi are both shocked, Shin is resolute. Darbura isn't moving. Buu sets down on the ground, and gives himself a round of applause. Babi looks at the reader, and and rants about how great Buu is. Babi-di is ranting over how easily Buu defeated Darbura, and Buu is pleased with itself.

Gohan can't believe the explosive power of Buu's energy/ki. Meanwhile, a ways away, Trunks has just felt a massive energy surge from a new location. Goten wants to know which direction to aim for (Buu, or their fathers,) and Trunks decides that the mysterious element of magic is more interesting. He and Goten fly in that direction. Goku and Vegeta have paused in their fighting, as Goku speculates that it must have been Buu that they felt. Vegeta doesn't care, and Goku tries to remind him that Bulma and Trunks are in danger now. Vegeta rages that Babi-di had removed those feelings from him. Goku doesn't think that Vegeta's soul has been completely taken from him. The Saiya-jin prince gives in, and decides that they'll put off fighting until after Buu has been conquered because Goku can't concentrate of the combat any more. Goku is pleased, and Vegeta asks for a Senzu Seed. Goku reaches in his pouch, commenting that together, the group can take on Buu. However, this was just a ruse, and Vegeta rabbit-punches Goku (the hero drops unconscious). Vegeta states that Goku is a very strong opponent, but weak when he lets down his guard. The prince eats the seed, and prepares to take on Buu by himself. After that, if he's still alive, he'll return to finish off Goku. Back at the rocket port, Babi-di is trying to get Buu to let him be its master. Buu sticks out its tongue.

But, Babi states that he has his father's notes, and can use this data to imprision Buu in the capsule again. Buu decides that subservience is a better tack. Gohan asks Kaiou-shin if, since Buu looks like it's just a child, whether it'd be better to defeat Babi-di right now. Shin replies that Buu may not look it, but it is a fearsome monster. If Babi is killed, there'll be no one to seal it back in the shell. He hopes that Buu may be too much for Babi to handle later on, and the wizard will have to decide to seal up the monster on his own perogative. Shin rants over his choice of plans (bringing in the humans as bait) and wishes he'd used a different method (which he'd have done if he knew that Gohan was so strong.) Gohan wonders about this. But Shin thinks it's too late to even run away, but Gohan believes that fleeing is still possible. Babi gives Buu its first order "Kill Gohan and Shin". Gohan cries out Shin's name, and flies off with him. He thinks that he has a speed advantage over the monster. Buu stands and watches, while Babi yells at it to move. Buu zips ahead of Gohan, (Gohan can't believe this,) and Buu speaks in a monsterly voice, "You're dead."

Gohan gets batted into the rocks. Shin's attack just makes Buu smile with intensity. Shin's head gets bashed in, and his body is effortlessly pounded into the dirt. Gohan angrily climbs out of the rubble, as Babi keeps repeating that Buu is really impressive. Buu is having fun as Shin tries to get up out of the rubble. Babi is shouting out for Buu to kill the Kaiou. Buu steps in as Shin focuses his ki. Buu steps back with the force, and replies in kind. Shin goes flying. Buu lands on Shin's back, crushing him. Babi rants about Shin joking that the guy has just now decided to take a lunch nap, and laughing over how he likes seeing people he doesn't like get beaten up. He wants to deliver the killing blow himself. However, Gohan comes in and kicks Buu in the face. Buu's cheek is mashed in, but the monster just pops it back into place. Babi swears, running to a better place to stand in. Gohan is trying to figure Buu out, and the monster pays Gohan back for interferring. Gohan starts a punch, but the energy ball blows him out and away. Babi is ecstatic at the force he's seen, but Kaiou-shin uses the chance to blow the energy ball up prematurely. Shin collapses, praying that Gohan is still alive.

The boy falls into the woods, and lies motionless on the ground. Babi looks at Shin and says, "Hey, bastard. What did you do just now?" Babi says it's ok if Buu finishes Shin off, but Buu says that it's hungry and wants to eat Shin. Then, a spear sticks out from the monster's chest. Darbura is still alive, to Babi's annoyance. Goten and Trunks are near the fight scene, and they descend and switch out of Super Saiya-jin mode. The two are trying to figure out if the enemy has anything to do with the weird guys from the budoukai. When, suddenly, Goten spots the statue of Piccolo. They're trying to figure out why there'd be statues of Piccolo and Kuririn out here, when Trunks punches Piccolo.

The statue topples over and breaks into pieces. The boys quickly leap behind the rock. Trunks hopes that no one noticed, and Goten is annoyed at his friend. Darbura is warning Babi that Buu won't remain his servant for long, and there'll be a big disaster waiting for the wizard soon. But Babi doesn't want to listen. Buu pulls out the spear, and its wound heals. Darbura is shocked. Then, the monster smirks and states that it's going to eat Darbura. Vegeta is looking down into the hole linking the planet to Babi's ship, and commenting on how this will take him to Buu. He also notices that Gohan's energy has disappeared, which he considers to be his fault. Buu is dancing around, saying "Eat, eat, eat." Darbura is about to attack when Buu turns the demon into a cookie and eats said cookie in one big mouthful. Trunks and Gohan are shocked, Babi is impressed, and Krillin returns to human form. Krillin, Goten, and Trunks try to figure out what had happened with the statues, and the two kids realize what horrible thing they've done to Piccolo. Trunks wants to keep this a secret, but Piccolo is a self-healing demon, and he wants to know What Trunks wants to keep secret. Piccolo is also shocked at feeling Buu's power. Trunks asks why Piccolo is still alive, and the demon replies that since his head was still intact, he could regen himself. They assume that the weird-looking guy (Buu) is Magical Being Buu. Krillin can't believe that this terrifying level of power is coming from such a strange creature. Babi tells Buu to eat Kaiou-shin too, and the monster gets excited at the thought.

Piccolo panicks at Shin's plight and gets ready to help him. Krillin and Goten tell the Namek to stay hidden for the time being. Goten adds that Buu can heal himself of spear wounds, and can turn his enemies into confectionaries to eat. Piccolo just fumes. Buu is trying to decide what to eat next as Babi gloats. However, an explosion rocks the countryside and destroys Babi's ship. Everyone tries to guess what happened, and Vegeta steps forward from the dust. Trunks is happy at seeing his papa, and Babi rants over the damage to his ship. Vegeta guesses that the one with the "Busaiku" face is Buu.

He'll kill Buu in revenge for Gohan's death. Piccolo is shocked that Gohan may be dead. Buu ponders over the word "busaiku," and Babi tells him Vegeta claims that Buu has an "ugly-looking face." It takes Buu a moment to realize that he's been insulted, then he decides to kill Vegeta. Babi says that this is a good idea. Krillin comments on the explosive increase in Buu's power level. Vegeta says that he will not go to hell alone, he'll take Buu with him. Kaiou-shin thinks that Vegeta is intent on getting killed. Vegeta is still in Super Saiya-jin mode, from when he was fighting Goku. He powers up further, and bashes Buu around for two panels. Vegeta is beating up on Buu while Babi-di is wondering what Buu is up to, Krillin is commenting on Vegeta's strength, Trunks is rooting for his father, and Piccolo is saying that the Super Saiya-jin is stronger than Gohan was during the battle with Cell. But, Piccolo is also agonizing over how Buu could become so strong as to kill Gohan. The battle pauses and Buu pops out the dents in his face, giving Vegeta time to blast a hole in his chest. Babi is shocked, the others are happy. Until Buu stands up and heals the hole. "That stung." Vegeta remarks that Buu has a 'undying body,' and Babi roots for Buu. Buu powers up, saying that he hates Vegeta. Krillin is concerned, Babi is clueless. Buu gets mad and blows up the area. Piccolo tells everyone to escape (too late,) Babi hastily throws up a barrier, and Vegeta takes the brunt of the blast on his arms.

The crater left behind is huge, and Buu is more happy. Babi comments on this having been dangerous. Piccolo asks if everyone is ok. Then, Piccolo looks at the crater. He calls out "Kaiou-shin-sama!!!" while Trunks yells out "Papa!!!" At the crater, Vegeta is still in Super Saiya-jin mode, but is in pain and holding his left arm. Kaiou-shin's body is missing (possibly destroyed.)

(V == Vegeta, B == Babi-Di, P == Piccolo, T == Trunks) Vegeta is badly banged up, and swears while holding his left arm and staring at the crater Buu made. V: He's not just strong... He's also undying... Shit... B: He (Vejiita) is a strong one. If he hadn't gone against me, he'd have been a good servant. P: Gohan has died, Shin is gone, what's going to happen... T: My father won't lose, will he! Trunks doesn't like Piccolo's silent response. Buu steps forward. Buu: You're finished.

Bye-bye. V: What can I do... How can I beat this monster... Vegeta is shocked to watch Buu rip off a lump of his stomach as if it were bread dough. He stretches it like taffy V: What a disgusting guy. What's he going to do... Buu spits out an energy ball, Vegeta dodges it only to leap into the path of the Buu-stuff. Buu tells the stuff to tighten, and it wraps Vegeta up like a hotdog in a bread twist roll. Vegeta drops helplessly to the ground, swearing as Buu walks up to him. The monster then has lots of fun kicking Vegeta around, and punching him into a pulp. Goten: He's going to get killed!! Krillin: What happened to Gohan and Goku? Did they die already!? Goten: My... my brother won't die!! Trunks gets mad. P: Be patient, Trunks... Even if you go, you can't do anything. You'll just waste your life!! You'll make Vegeta suffer!! T: No way!!!! P: Hey!!! G: Trunks!!! I'm going too!!! P: Goten!!!! P: Sh... Shit...!!! The two boys zip past Babi-di. The wizard floats around, asking what just happened. Trunks' flying kick smashes Buu through a bunch of hilltops. Goten works on freeing up the messed-up Vegeta. The boys ask if Vegeta is ok, and Babi watches them. B: What are they! There are more of them left... B: No matter how many of them there are.

My Buu is invincible, he won't die. Kyahahahaha. However, Babi is not expecting Piccolo to be standing behind him. P: I can't forgive Buu, But you are the worst, Babi-di. B: Eh...? B: You...!! P: Even if I can't kill Buu, I can kill you.... B: Fu... Fuhihihi... Stupid... You won't be able to seal Buu any more. If that happens, Buu will destroy the world and there'll be nothing left. P: But that'll happen even if you don't die, right? B: ........ B: Buu!!! What are you doing!!!! Kill him!!! P: Die..!!! Babi is sliced in half by Piccolo's hand (Kaiou-shin had stated that Babi was physically weak...) He falls to the group, stammering B: It can't be... I'm supposed to be the ruler of the world... Presumably, he's dead when he hits the bottom of the crater. Piccolo spits on the corpse. The three Saiya-jin stand and stare at Piccolo. V: Trunks... Take care of Bulma... of your mother... T: Eh? Vegeta just smiles at his son. (When Darbura died, Piccolo and Krillin were released from the spell that had turned them into stone. But, although Babi-di has apparently died, Vegeta is still under control of the spell that increased the evil in his heart; he still has the 'M' on his forehead.) ("Kuromaku no Saigo" can translate to "the end of the wire puller." Kuromaku refers to the person making the decisions behind the scenes. That is, Babi-di.)Trunks is wondering why Vegeta told him to take care of his mother, and the Prince tells them to get very far away. He's going to fight Buu alone.

Trunks and Goten argue, saying that they're very strong too. But, Vegetta answers that he'd never hugged his son, and does so now. Trunks objects, claiming that he feels shy. Vegeta tells the boy to take care, and pops him on the neck. Goten looks on in shock as Trunks falls unconscious to the ground. Vegeta sucker punches Goten, and Goten drops as well. Piccolo flies in as Buu picks himself out of the rubble, humming. Buu asks who had hit him just now, while Vegeta asks Piccolo to fly as far away with the boys as possible. The demon comments that Vegeta plans on dying. Vegeta just asks if he will go to the "other world" and meet up with Kakarot. But, Piccolo answers that since Vegeta had killed so many people, he'll go to some other place, lose his memory, refresh his sole, and become someone else. Vegeta resigns himself to this.

Piccolo flies off, and Buu prepares to stop him. However, Vegeta yells out that the "ugly balloon bastard" has to beat him first. Buu gets steamed, complaining that the Saiya-jin has yet again insulted him. Piccolo tells Krillin to run away, and they do (taking the boys with them.) Buu tells Vegeta to die. But, Vegeta answers that he finally knows how to destroy the monster. Krillin wants to know what's going on, and Piccolo answers that Vegeta is finally going to fight for someone other than himself, at the expense of his own life.

Vegeta continues that he will blow Buu up into pieces so small, the monster won't be able to regain. Then, he thinks a farewell to Bulma, Trunks, and Goku. He self-destructs, with the force of a very big Fusion bomb. In the Capsule Corp. airbus, Bulmaa is wondering what went wrong to Vegeta to go berzerk at the Budoukai. Yamcha tries to reasure her that everyone he killed can be brought back with the Dragon Balls. But, Kamesennin adds that this does not include the ones killed in the darker past. Suddenly, the bus is rattled by a huge shock wave, and Bulma realizes that it has something to do with Vegeta. Meanwhile, back at the epicenter, the result of the explosion has caused Vegeta to be turned to rock. He falls to the ground and shatters. A safe distance away, Krillin is frustrated at Vegeta's death, and Piccolo tells him to take the two unconscious boys. The demon king wants to go back to the blast site.

He doesn't know what Goku's condition is, and Gohan's probably been killed by Buu. But, he also hears something moving around near Vegeta. He leaves, and Krillin has trouble believing the news about Gohan. Piccolo arrives, and surveys the damage (not as much as he'd expected.) In a little hollow, Babi-di is swearing to himself. The wizard had partially protected himself with a shield. Piccolo is about to finish him off when he notices some clay-like things moving on the ground. They become hundreds of tiny Buu's, and they fly together. After a bit, Buu is intact again. It stretches out, and laughs happily to itself. Piccolo flies away in fear. Babi tells Buu to come over and heal him. Buu sticks its tougue out, but Babi threatens to seal it in the shell again, so the monster grins. With a zap, Babi is fully recovered. Buu is starting to get a calculating look on its face. Babi vows to claim vengence on the green bastard and the two shrimps. With Buu, he'll wreak horrible destruction on the planet, and kill the ones that interferred in his plans.

Piccolo is telling Krillin that Buu is alive, and he decides to take the two boys to Kami-sama's place. And, Babi is riding on the back of Buu, yelling out that he'll kill, kill, kill. Finally, out in the wilds, Kaiou-shin is badly injured, and is staggering around. He's praying that Gohan is still alive. Gohan looks pretty dead. Out in the middle of the blasted-up countryside, Goku regains consciousness. He swears, realizing that Vegeta has taken the last Senzu Seed, and has probably gone off to fight Buu alone. Goku can feel Buu's power, but not Vegeta's or Gohan's.

He's concerned about that, and surprised to learn that Krillin and Piccolo have apparently turned back from stone and are alive again. He wonders whether they can tell him what's happened, and teleports off. Piccolo and Krillin are at Kami-sama's place. Krillin wonders when the two kids will wake up, and Piccolo expects it'll be in one hour. They then mourn for Vegeta, Gohan and Goku. Krillin asks if he can bring his family to Kami-sama's castle, but expects Dende to turn him down for wanting to bring only his family. Dende can't decide, and Piccolo reminds him that he IS Kami-sama now. So Dende says "ok." Then, Goku teleports in and the two fighters can feel his ki. They run out to greet him. Dende offers to heal Goku, and then the hero gets told what happened. Goku is frustrated, and Piccolo states that Kaiou-shin was right about Buu's power, and that Earth is in trouble. Krillin comments that Goku can probably beat Buu, if there's enough time (Goku can only stay on Earth for 24 hours, most of which is gone now.) Goku doesn't think he can beat Buu, though. He and Vegeta were about even, and Vegeta lost to Buu, so he'll probably lose too. Goku wishes that either Vegeta or Gohan were still alive right now, and Piccolo replies that there are other fighters still around to help.

But, Goku needs another Saiya-jin for "Fusion." Piccolo asks about this, and Dende realizes that this is a powerful thing that the people from the planet Metamoru can do. It took Goku one week in the Other World to learn this. Fusion happens when two people combine into one. The super-powerful Saiya-jin that would result, Piccolo believes, could defeat Buu. Goku would do this with either Gohan or Vegeta, since they are about equal in power with him. The up side is that if Goku returns to the land of the dead, he'll meet Gohan. But the down side is that Vegeta has not gone to the land of the dead, because he was too evil. Mr. Popo reminds them that the two boys sleeping inside the palace could maybe used for the Fusion as well.

Goku likes this idea, as does Krillin. But, Piccolo complains that in the time it takes to teach the boys this trick, Buu will kill more people. However, those people can be brought back with the Dragon Balls. Krillin is about to let people know what's going on when the sky goes black. They figure out that Bulma has probably gotten the Balls together to wish back the people just killed at the Budoukai by Vegeta.
Dende reminds them that if the 3 wishes are used now, the Balls can't be used for a full year. So, Goku decides to teleport, but has trouble finding Bulma's ki. At Capsule Corp., Shenlon has appeared, and asks what the 3 wishes are. In the city, people act like they've never seen the sky go black before, and Beederu can't believe that she's looking at the towering dragon. Bulma can't figure out what to say, and Yamcha asks Shenlon if "Resurrect the people killed today" is ok, adding "don't bother with the evil ones." Shenlon replies "one down, two to go."

Goku arrives, and swears about being too late. The group is surprised to see him, and Goku telepathically tells Dende that one wish was already made. Dende answers that if Shenlon only fulfills one wish before departing, the other two can be made after 4 months. So, Goku has Dende tell Krillin not to bother travelling to meet Bulma and company. The hero also bids Shenlon farewell; the dragon says "bye-bye" and the Balls fly away in separate directions. Yamcha wants to know why Goku did this. And, riding on Buu's back, Babi-di wonders why the sky was black just a few moments ago. At the blast site, Kibit is surprised to find that he's not dead anymore after having been killed by Darbura. [The above wording of the wish was enough to keep Vegeta and Darbura from being resurrected.] Babi is riding on Buu's back, plotting his revenge. Kibit is searching for Kaiou-shin, and rushes off to help him. Kaiou-shin, meanwhile, is stumbling through the woods, muttering that Gohan is still barely alive; then the Kaiou's strength gives out and he collapses. Kibit arrives in time and saves the god by pumping energy into him. The two wonder how Kibit could be alive, then rush to save Gohan (Kaiou-shin can not allow Gohan to die.) They brood about Buu's evil having been released from the ship, but Kaio-shin feels that the Super Saiya-jin, and especially Gohan, have a good chance of defeating Buu. Kibit locates Gohan, and the god wants Kibit to take the boy to "Kaiou-shin-kai," to restore his power there. Kibit is astonished that a human would be brought there, and the god angrily states that they have to hurry. The three teleport out. At Kami-sama's palace, people are talking about bringing in Tenshinhan, Bulma's parents, and various livestock. Chi Chi wonders where Gohan and Goten are, and Bulma asks the same of Trunks and Vegeta. Krillin panics, and Goku states that while the young boys are safe, Gohan and Vegeta are dead. Chi Chi faints, and Bulma yells out, crying. Then, the voice of Babi-di can be heard speaking to everyone telepathically. Babi is disturbing the peace in his search for "3 idiots."

People wonder what's happening, and the magician presents an image of Trunks, Goten, and Piccolo. Piccolo swears, and Babi demands that the three come forth. This doesn't happen right away, so to demonstrate the awesome power of the frightening soldier Babi-di, the magician introduces the frightening Magical Being Buu. Then, Buu picks on the nearest town, because the "3 idiots" don't come forth. Piccolo panics as Babi commands Buu to kill everyone in town. Buu levitates the townspeople, and Goku wonders what the point is. Buu turns everyone into candy, and eats them. Babi proceeds to threaten the rest of the world. Babi is commenting on the fact that there are no survivors, and he orders Buu to make things more tidy -- which the monster does, by blowing the city flat. Babi then telepaths out that he wants the three idiots, but gets no response. So, Earth will be de-peopled in 5 days. However, he adds that anyone that wants to contact him just has to concentrate. If he gets a lead on where to find the three, the informer will be spared. Very quickly, one of the Tenkai-ichi judges responds, giving out the names "Piccolo", "Trunks", and "Goten".

But, since the judge doesn't have the three idiots' addresses, the names alone mean nothing. Babi makes the judge's head explode. Then, because he's a busy little maniac, he and Buu zip off to eradicate mankind over the next 5 days. Piccolo wants to leave to stop the evil two, but Goku states that Piccolo will just get killed quickly. Then there won't be anyone to train the two boys on how to do Fusion. Everyone else will then die, and there'll be no one left to use the Dragon Balls to resurrect people. The demon gives in. Meanwhile, on Kaioushin-kai, a small planet in the Other World (heaven) surrounded by many other planets, Kibit heals the almost-but-not-quite-dead Gohan. The boy asks where he is, and assumes that he must be dead.

Kaiou-shin corrects him, and then Gohan asks how Kibit came to be alive -- Kibit doesn't know. The big guy then asks why a human was brought to their home -- Kaiou-shin replies that Gohan is going to be given the Zet Sword. Kibit goes ballastic, demanding to know why such a marvelous item is to be defiled by being handled by a non-Kaiou-shin. However, the big guy was dead before, and couldn't see how powerful Gohan is. As the three fly off, Gohan comments that this is a nice planet, and Kibit is ordered to give the boy a new set of clothing (this is done by magic, and Gohan is now dressed like a Kaiou-shin, inluding the earrings.) He's not so impressed by the image change.

They arrive at a butte, where the Zet Sword is embedded in the rock. The little god states that all he knows is that no one has been able to pull the sword out of the rock, and Gohan comments that by the looks of the thing, it's been in place for a very long time. Back at the palace, Goten and Trunks are now awake, and crying over hearing that Vegeta had died. Goku tells them to stop, and that they are about to be taught a new techique for defeating Babi-di and Buu. Because he doesn't have much time left (his 24 hours on Earth are about to run out) he wants them to begin now. Gohan is asking what the sword can do, and Kibit answers "give strength." Maybe enough to defeat Buu. Gohan is uncertain, and Kibit is worried that the boy is too weak. Kaiou-shin tells him to just watch, and Gohan to get started. The boy strains away, and just roughs his hands up on the hilt. Kibit is satisfied at being proved right, but Gohan switches to Super Saiya-jin mode and tries again. Kibit expects the same results. Kaiou-shin is smug as Kibit states that this is pointless, only another Kaiou-shin can free the sword. Gohan then pulls the blade out, with Kaiou-shin cheering and Kibit acting really stunned. Back on normal ground, Gohan is in normal mode, but having lots of trouble weilding the heavy sword. Gohan wonders if Buu can really be defeated using this sword, and Kibit impatiently answers "of course." Gohan then asks Kibit to take the sword, because it's really heavy. The sword smashes to the ground, and Kibit fails to pick it back up. Embarrassed, Kibit bellows out that Gohan still has to do a lot of training to be able to use the sword properly. Back at Kami-sama's, Goku is explaining a bit more about "Fusion." Piccolo isn't happy that the technique is only good for 30 minutes, but the dead one states that 30 minutes is all that's needed, since the two boys are already so strong.

However, Trunks and Goten just glower. They're angry that Goku wasn't around, or was too weak, to keep Gohan and Vegeta from dying. Piccolo is outraged, but Goku says it's ok, and adds that with Fusion, the two boys can get revenge for Gohan's and Vegeta's deaths. The two boys ponder this situation, but are interrupted by Babi-di's telepathic message. Babi still hasn't heard from the 3 idiots, and is announcing the imminent destruction of the very big city he's just found. The cityfolk are panicking, and some have sighted Buu floating in the air. Trunks is trying to figure out what's happening, Goten tells him to close his eyes -- they can watch Buu that way; and Piccolo advises them that it's better to NOT watch. Babi happily continues that the three still haven't surfaced, so Buu is going to get permission to turn the people into chocolate. Buu hungrily does this, to the shock of the two boys. Babi then states that Buu has just filled his belly with chocolate. They're about to look for the next city, when Trunks and Goten call out to the two villians. Trunks threatens them, while Piccolo wants the conversation to stop before their location is revealed. Babi is trying to figure out where his prey is, and yells for them to come out. Goku asks if they want to learn Fusion, and Trunks and Goten resolutely agree to it. Goku tells Trunks and Goten that there's no time, and that they should switch to Super Saiya-jin mode. They do so, and Goku tells them to up the power. Trunks and Goten act smug, and go full on. Piccolo is surprised at the force, but Goku continues. He notes that Trunks is a little stronger, so he tells the boy to power down just a little, to match up with Goten. Trunks does this, but complains that it's difficult. Goku is satisfied, so they go back to normal. Trunks complains about Goten not being as strong, and Goku comments that Trunks is one year older than Goten. He gets ready to describe more of the process of achieving Fusion, but is interrupted by Babi-di.

The wizard has learned that Trunks lives in Capsule Corp., in the western province. Babi wants Trunks to come forth, or the city will be destroyed. Trunks fumes, and Bulma rages over the imminent death of her parents. Goku replies that the Dragon Balls can bring them back, but Piccolo rebutts this, stating that with one wish down to bring back a whole bunch of people, they can't use the same wish twice. Bulma caps it off stating that the Balls have dispersed, and the only way to find them again is with the Dragon Radar, which is located in Capsule Corp. Goku decides to have Trunks rush home to get the Radar, while he himself will delay Buu. Trunks asks if this is safe, and Goku replies that he only has to delay the enemy for a short time. Goku teleports out, and Trunks runs off wondering if this is really a good idea. Meanwhile, holding precariously to Buu's cape, Babi-di is berating the monster for nearly dropping him on its way to the target site. Buu is getting annoyed with Babi, but has to screech to a halt to avoid smashing into Goku.

The hero greets them with "Yo." Babi realizes that Vegeta hadn't killed Goku, and the hero answers that Vegeta and he share the same goal of stopping Buu. Babi and Buu are amused, and Babi asks where the three victims are. Goku won't tell him, adding that one of them is his son.

He wants to make a deal; the three will show up if Babi and Buu will only wait a bit (similar to the arrangement that led up to the Cell Game.) With a little delay, Babi will have the fun of watching a great battle, that will include Goku. Babi likes the idea, but Buu is acting bored. Goku tries to drive a wedge between the two, by asking Buu if it likes being Babi's minion. Buu is thinking along similar lines, and Babi threatens to reseal Buu. The monster is becoming more talkative, and gives a veiled threat to Babi. Babi is starting to sweat, but Buu also wants to fight Goku right now. Goku resigns himself to doing some premature combat, while Babi telepaths to everyone on Earth that Buu is about to fight an enemy. Goku powers up. Goten and Piccolo are watching with their mind's eye. Some distance away, Trunks stops, feeling that Goku's power level is about the same as his father's was.

Babi is saying that this is useless, as Vegeta's resistance was also futile. Goku replies that he is about to go beyond the stage of being beyond Super Saiya-jin. Piccolo is listening in to Goku's conversation with Babi-di and Buu, and he's repeating the bit about "beyond the beyond Super Saiya-jin." Babi just says "what are you babbling about, beyond the beyond "Super"... whatever it was." Goku realizes that Trunks has stopped moving, and he quietly urges the boy to keep going, since he'll be fine here with Buu. Trunks disagrees, so Goku yells at him to go get the Radar. Startled, Trunks gets moving again, while Babi is confused, wondering who this guy is talking to. Buu can't see anyone, either. Babi doesn't really care, because whatever it is, it's powerless against him. Goku resigns himself to doing a stalling tactic, and powers down. Buu asks if Goku is giving up, but the hero replies that since they don't know anything about Saiya-jin (and Babi isn't interested in knowing any more,) he's going to show them a sample.

Goku switches to Super Saiya-jin 1, and his hair turns golden. Beyond Super Saiya-jin, is SSJ 2 -- his face becomes leaner, and his hair looks more spikey. Babi still isn't impressed, but Goku starts taking the next step. Krillin is rooting for him (Krillin, Kame-sennin, Yamcha, and Videl are all shown at Kami-sama's palace, listening in with their eyes closed.) Goku starts yelling, pushing himself harder. Kaiou-sama is pushing for Goku as well. The force of the energy is blowing against Buu and Babi, and Piccolo is stunned at the level of power. Goku's hair is already growing down to his shoulderblades. And, in the mountains of (probably) Tibet, Tenshinhan is wondering what Goku is trying to do. There is a bright flash, and the Ultimate Goku is now looking at the enemy with a mean glare; his bulky hair at least waist length, and his face is now more menacing, and dominated by heavy eyebrow ridges. The aura around him is crackling. There are a number of surprised reactions, and Goku states that this is "Super Saiya-jin 3." Kame-sennin, Kibit, and Gohan can't believe that this is Goku, but Kaiou-shin claims that this awesome energy is really coming from the hero. Gohan wonders what has happened to his father. Buu says that the guy's face has just gotten a little bit scary. But, not much.

Babi refuses to be impressed at the "Super whatever-it-is-you-said 3." He hides behind Buu, issuing threats against the world. Buu is pumping his arms, ready to fight. And, Goku zips in, grabs the monster by the top-knot, and bashes it around. Buu replies with a few energy balls that Goku bats away. Now, Babi is getting scared, and Buu is about to get more serious. Goku is noticing that Buu hasn't taken any real damage, and he understands what Vegeta had been facing. Buu attacks with an enlongated arm, punching Goku in the face. The hero and the monster both grin at each other. Meanwhile, Kaiou-sama is yelling that enough's enough. He wants Gokuu to run away to teach the two boys about Fusion.

Goku and Buu bash each other around for a while, and are apparently evenly matched, when Goku uses Kamehame-ha (he just goes through the action, he doesn't need to say the words) and blows a hole through Buu. The monster heals itself, and to Goku's amazement, uses Kamehame-ha right back at him. Goku bats the blast back at Buu, and the monster spins out of the way, helping the blast along past him. Goku is pissed, and Buu grins evilly as the energy ball explodes on the horizon, and sends out a shock wave strong enough to be felt in Kami-sama's palace. Buu looks wickedly pleased with itself, but Babi-di rants at the monster to take more care at keeping his master out of danger.

Then, the little magician rants about the destruction, and the greater threat facing the Earth. Goku replies that Babi-di is indeed frightening, but only because of his face. Buu pulls a Pinocchio routine in response (his nose grows longer.) Goku checks for the location of Trunk's ki -- it's moving fast away, implying that the boy has found the Dragon Radar and is returning to Kami-sama's. So, Goku powers down (looks like being SSJ3 takes some work,) and Buu asks why. The hero answers that it's been fun, but he's run out of time and has to leave. Babi-di thinks that this means Goku is going to try to run away, which is pointless; he orders Buu to kill the guy. Goku wants Babi to wait 2 days, then someone really powerful will come to kill him. Babi is incredulous, and Goku prepares to teleport out while telling Buu that it will being going to hell. He 'ports, to Buu's puzzlement, and Babi's complete disbelief. In a rage, Babi insults Buu about letting the guy get away. Buu gets mad, then suddenly, sweetly asks Babi for a favor. Babi is preoccupied, and asks what it is. Hesitantly, Buu whispers a little, and Babi wants him to hurry up with it. Then, Buu grabs its master by the throat, commenting that Babi can't talk now. And, as Babi can't talk, he can't invoke the spell that will seal Buu away. Babi-di is in a panic, choking. Buu says, "Die, stupid," and punches Babi in the face.

Buu punches Babi in the face, leaving just the lower jaw and some throat still attached to the magician's neck. Happily, Buu blows up the body, and then rejoices at it's new freedom. Piccolo wants to talk to Goku, and the hero tells the Namek that Buu must have just killed Babi-di. Piccolo is surprised at the news, and the two of them are concerned as to what the monster will do next. What Buu does is to blow up the city with his energy breath. It then enters the city (as people are madly fleeing away) and tears up the streets like a happy little child. Stopping to laugh at the destruction, Buu notices a woman cowering in front of him. She pleads with it to not kill her. It asks her if It is cool, and she agrees. So, Buu asks for a kiss. The woman screams in horror, and Buu gets annoyed. However, it notices a magazine in the woman's bag, open to a page featuring an article on a handsome star. Buu decides that this is the way to impress the woman, and changes it's face like silly putty. The handsome version again asks for a kiss, and the woman again screams in horror. Pissed at the "arrogant woman," Buu yells out "become a caramel." He eats the sweet, and then shows off how strong he is by creating a fusion explosion to destroy the city. Piccolo feels the deaths of the people, and can only gnash his teeth. He and Goku discuss the fate of the planet, and Goku assures him that it'll take time for Buu to stop having fun and get serious. And, it'll take only two days to impart the knowledge that can be used to defeat the monster.

Piccolo growls that this must mean HE has to teach the two brats "fusion." Goku acknowledges this, replying that he only has 1 hour left on this world. Piccolo can't believe this, demanding that there must be more time left than that. However, Goku answers that SSJ 3 is a no-no in Heaven, so he wasn't able to use it before. On Earth, SSJ 3 used up a lot of energy, and ate up some of the time allowed to him here. Piccolo wants to argue the validity of this, but Uranai Baba appears on her crystal ball, and tells them that Goku only has 30 minutes left. Goku is frustrated, and wants Trunks to hurry back to Kami-sama's palace. He and Piccolo then talk about Goku's battle with Buu; Goku was uncertain about Buu's power, and ran the risk of being destroyed while being already dead. This is a bad combination.

And now, Goku "thinks" that "fusion" can make the boys strong enough to destroy the monster. They then speculate that Gohan has died, and will be waiting for Goku in the other world. Meanwhile, Gohan is on Kaiou-shin's planet, practicing with the sword. Kibit can't believe that Gohan has gotten as far as he has with it (but, it's still not good enough.) Gohan thinks that his father has probably returned to the other world, so he is Earth's only hope, and therefore he has to push himself to the limit. Piccolo senses the return of Trunks, and the boy holds out what he's been told is the Dragon Radar. (It's the correct thing, all right.) The two boys line up in front of Goku, and he tells them that they have to hurry, because he doesn't have much time left. Trunks and Goten bark out, "Yes, Sensei." Goku is dumbfounded at this response, and Piccolo replies that the boys are standing in front of a SSJ3. So, Goku determinedly tells them "Right, let's go!!!.

Goku is telling the two boys to get ready, and they bark out "yes!!!" But, Piccolo is concerned that Goku is feeling the effects of having switched to SSJ3 mode on Earth. Goku asks if the boys really want to learn fusion, and they reply "yes," a little more slowly. Then, the hero tells them that once they have perfectly matched their energies in SSJ 1 mode, they have to do the "fusion pose." He does a little dance, explaining the hand motions, and ends in a silly angle, pointing his fingers to the side (actually, this is a variant of an actual karate attack, simultaneously punching to the head and stomach.)

The boys are less than impressed with this pose, and rather than doing it themselves, ask Goku to show it to them one more time. The hero has Piccolo team up with him, but the demon is not at all happy with the situation. Right at the end of the move, as Goku and Piccolo touch fingers, Goku shouts out "Fu -- shion". Piccolo mutters as an aside that if Vegeta were still alive, he'd refuse to be a part of this stunt. Goku doesn't understand why this would be. Meanwhile, flying over the countryside, Buu gets sleepy. It stops in a little country town, causing the people to shout out "Magical Being Buu", and run away in terror. It likes the area, but considers it a bit too noisy with all the screaming. So, it levitates all the people, and turns them into putty. After blowing the town flat, Buu uses the putty to create its idea of the perfect house (looks a little like a crawling alien larva baby.) Crawling inside its new abode, Buu stops in all the rooms and announces what each one is for (dining room, bath, toilet, bedroom.) It creates a pair of pajamas, and takes a refreshing 5 second nap. After which, Buu returns outside, repeating the phrase "Kill, kill." Goku is berating the two boys for getting the pose wrong, and tells Trunks to concentrate on his footwork. Kamesennin and Krillin enter the room, and wonder why Goku is teaching a dance class at a time like this. Everyone else files into Kami-sama's palace, and Uranai Baba says that it's time for Goku to return to "the other world." The hero replies that he understands, and instructs Piccolo to keep teaching Fusion to the boys.

Goodbyes are said, and Goku reassures Chi Chi that Gohan will be ok (but, Chi Chi is afraid that Buu may have already killed him.) Trunks asks Goku to say "hi" to Gohan if the boy is waiting in the other world. Videl is also concerned about Gohan, but won't elaborate on it to Goku. Krillin and Goku do reassure her a bit, though. Then, it's time. However, Goten is starting to realize that his father, who he has only known for less than 24 hours, is about to be taken away from him. The boy breaks down and cries in Goku's arms. The others are crying too, and Goku shouts out "We'll meet again when you die," and follows after Kamesennin's sister. Then he blips out. Uranai Baba has taken Goku to the gates of the Other World, and asks if he can complete the journey on his own. He thanks her, and cuts ahead of the line of dead souls waiting to be processed. He reaches the front desk, and asks Enma for a request. The Other World bureaucrat is a bit annoyed at the sudden influx of dead from Earth, and wants to know what's been going on down there (must be a combination of Vegeta, and Buu.) Goku says that there will be more soon, and asks if Son Gohan had arrived before the first big wave.

Enma checks his book, but Gohan doesn't seem to have died yet. However, there was this really impressive guy, called himself Darbura, King of the Evil Magic world. He arrived first in heaven, before being redirected to hell. Goku is happy that his boy is still alive, as should be the girl, Videl. But, he wonders where the boy could be, and why he couldn't feel Gohan's ki. Suddenly, he senses Gohan's energy, and is puzzled that it's around the Kaiou world. He teleports there. Gohan is busy swinging the Zet sword around, in normal Saiya-jin form. Gohan is stunned to see his father, and asks why he's here. Goku wonders at the presence of Kaiou-shin and Kibit, too. Kibit, on the other hand, is floored at the possibility of another human wandering around on his world. Gohan again asks why Goku is here, since it's been less than 24 hours on Earth since Goku first arrived. After getting an update, Gohan is saddened to hear of Buu's running around on Earth. Goku, though, wants to try his hand at the Zet sword. He's amazed at how heavy it is, as he swings it a few times. Then, he asks a favor of Kaiou-shin, assuming that Gohan still has a bit more time for training before fighting Buu. Kaiou-shin assents, and Goku asks to have something to eat, as he is feeling peckish.

Kaiou-shin agrees, and Kibit keeps staring at the two Saiya-jin. As the group flies off, Gohan wants to hear more about SSJ-3, and Goku says that he'll show it off when they eat. One day passes, and Trunks and Goten are exhausted. Piccolo barks at them to wake up and eat. They only have one more day to master Fusion. They are pretty groggy, and lose concentration as they chant "Fu---", "shun," "Fu --", "shun." On Earth, Buu has destroyed 2/3 of the people in town. It zips off, and finds a lone traveller on the roads. It swoops down, to get the one trying to escape. But, the dirty little boy It encounters just greets It nicely, and asks who It is. Buu takes some time to understand what the boy means when he says that he is blind. Pissed that someone isn't running away in terror from It, Buu touches the boy's face, and heals his eyes. Buu now tells the boy to look at him, but can't understand how to react when the boy happily thanks Buu. The kid asks if Buu is a foreigner in these parts, and the monster asks if the boy thinks It is cool.

The kid doesn't understand the question, but answers that for healing his eyes, that must be cool. Buu accepts this to be "I'm cool." The boy then remembers that he has money, and wants to go to a store to buy milk. Buu tries to eat the coin, and dislikes the taste. It flies off, and the kid is impressed that foreigners can fly. Buu locates a guy packing up to run away, and lands.

The guy shouts out "Majin-Buu," before being turned into a carton of milk. Buu returns to the boy, saying that money tastes bad, milk tastes good. Take this. The boy yells out "thank you," as the monster zips off to discover and destroy another city. Back on Kaiou-shin's planet, Gohan swings the Zet Sword through some tricky moves, and ends in a dramatic pose. Goku is impressed, and says that it'll only take one more day's practice to be ready. Goku then decides that he wants to see the impressive cutting power of such a sword, and picks up a boulder to throw; and Gohan says that he is ready, and Kaiou-shin looks worried. Goku is getting ready to throw the boulder, and Gohan is convinced that the Zet Sword will easily cut it. However, Kaiou-shin wants to make things more interesting. He creates a VERY light, VERY strong cube (space craft material) that Goku proceeds to throw at Gohan. Gohan swings. The cube keeps flying past, as the sword shatters.

Everyone is stunned that the ultimate in strong blades has broken. Goku reminds Kaiou-shin of who it was that created the cube, but the Kaiou god stammers about how strong the thing is supposed to be, according to the legends. Gohan tries to lighten up matters, by claiming that all the training with the heavy sword HAS made him stronger. Kaiou-shin grabs at the bait, and claims that if Gohan becomes Super Saiya-jin, he'll be the world's strongest person. Except, Goku thinks that Buu will still be stronger. An old man appears, saying "wr -- ong." He introduces himself as the Kaiou-shin who had been trapped for 15 generations -- released when the sword was broken (sealed up sort of like Buu was.) Long ago, the old man says, was a creature that was about as powerful as Buu. The creature was afraid of the old Kaiou-shin, so the old fart got sealed up in the sword. The old guy is happy to be free. Goku asks Gohan if the guy is really all that great, and decides to have a little test. He fires a small energy ball at the old guy, and drops his target like a stone. The current Kaiou-shin and Kibit run over to ask if the old one is ok. The old one comes up swearing, asking what the hell the shithead was trying to do. Goku has learned what he was after, but the Kaiou-shin states that that's not how his kind of fearful power works. His is "Nouryoku", which he isn't going to explain to anyone. ("Nouryoku" just means "ability.") He pouts, until Goku offers to give the guy an etchi magazine. However, the Kaiou-shin uses his Kaiou-vision to stare (and drool) at a distant etchi magazine that someone is reading (the current Kaiou-shin has trouble with this turn of events.)

Goku offers to give the guy the real thing; a woman with big breasts. The guy is going for it, and Goku thinks that he's just like Kamesennin. Gohan asks how his father is going to do this, and Goku replies that he'll return to Earth to pick up Videl. Gohan yells at him, and Goku decides that the boy should go to get Bulma for this. As Gohan is choking over having to ask Bulma for something like this, Goku asks the old man if his Nouryoku can defeat Buu. He says "no question." So, Goku tells Gohan to use his spaceship. But, Gohan didn't enter The Other World by ship -- he'd have to return to Earth and kill Bulma for her to come here. Goku and the old guy shake hands on the deal. [Note: this is like the time when the very young Bulma had to show Kamesennin her breasts, after the pervert blew up a volcano. At that time, Oolong was forced to change shapes and impersonate her.] The old one brags about how his Nouryoku is the greatest Nouryoku in the universe. Kaiou-shin and Kibit are impressed, but Goku has never heard of this Nouryoku before.

The guy claims he was sealed up by this fearful beastie, because of his great power. But, he adds a dig about the shock he felt on being released from the sword only to find foreigners (Earthlings) on the Kaiou-shin planet. Kaiou-shin apologizes. Then, the Kaio tells Gohan to move out into the open, and not move any more. The he starts a rain dance, saying "Let's make you able to beat Majin Buu!!!" The dance looks pretty stupid, and the rest of the group just stares. Gohan wants to ask what the point is, and is told to shut up. After a while, Goku asks when something is going to happen, and the Kaio replies that it's only been 5 hours; the power up occurs after 20 hours. So, Goku leaves to take a nap, to the boy's chagrin. Kaiou-shin and Kibit are also embarrassed, while Gohan fumes. On Earth, Goten and Trunks are still practicing the fusion pose. Piccolo tells them that it's almost perfect. Now, it's time for them to power up, and match their levels completely. Goten says "ye, yes!!", but Trunks thinks to himself that they're not going to be able to pull this off. Piccolo yells for them to start. At Kami-sama's palace, as the group plays cards, Yamcha tells them that the two runts apparently have completed the Fusion training. They talk about the possible power about to be tapped, as they walk to the training area. Chi Chi suddenly speculates on what to call the new Saiya-jin -- "Gotenks", or "Trunten." Both sound weird. Bulma berates Chi Chi for screwing around 30 minutes before the problem becomes an issue.

At the site, Piccolo tells the boys that their energy is matched, and they should now start. They go through the moves, and there's a bright flash. They merge, and the group stares at the results -- a fat, Buu-like weirdo. The group speculates that maybe this is a case of looking like what you intend to defeat. However, the fatso has no power or endurance. Piccolo states that Trunks had his index fingers extended at the wrong time during the posturing. He tells them to try it again, but the fatso reminds the demon king that they have to wait 30 minutes for the Fusion to expire. During this time, the group comments on the strange clothing that resulted from the Fusion, and they ask what the Fatso's name is -- Gotenks. Chi Chi comments that she was right. 30 minutes pass; there's a bright flash and the two boys fly apart. The group comments on the ki that they felt, but Piccolo states that there'll be time for talking after the fight is over. The boys are told to try again. They do, but they fail to touch their fingers together properly. Piccolo sees it happen, and is disgusted. Another flash reveals an emaciated Gotenks. Piccolo tells the wheezing invalid what went wrong. They wait another 30 minutes. The boys try again. There's a flash, and a really cool-looking, powerful Gotenks results.

(Still has an outfit similar to Buu's.) Bulma and Chi Chi are disappointed in his appearance, while Videl thinks that Gotenks is REALLY strong. Piccolo wants to wait for 30 minutes, then have the boys do this as Super Saiya-jin. But, Gotenks is convinced that he can defeat Buu now. They argue, and Gotenks flies off to bring back Buu's corpse. Piccolo yells for Trunten to wait, and Mr. Poppo corrects him. The group waits in suspense, until the bashed up Gotenks returns. Piccolo yells at them -- they've got one day left to prepare to fight Buu. On the Kaiou-shin planet, the old Kaiou-shin is still wheezing away, in his 20-hour dance. Gohan's endurance is quickly fading.

The narration describes the destruction to all the cities by the child-in-appearance monster, Buu. However, there is one last ray of hope for mankind. Earth's greatest, no... the universe's greatest warrior is about to set forth. The man who defeated Cell, and won the latest Tenkai-ichi Budoukai. Yes, it is MR. SATAN... Satan is driven out to Buu's house. He tells his escort to return home, and one of them fearfully asks what is in Satan's carrying bag. He replies that it's his secret weapon, which impresses the escort. Then, in a thundering whisper that can almost be heard from 2 feet away, Satan challenges Buu to come out and face him. One escort asks if Satan's throat is sore from the budoukai, and offers to help him out. He yells for Buu to come fight their hero. Satan berates the man for running the risk of actually attracting Buu's attention.

He tells the escort to return, and assures them that peace will soon be at hand. With a bit of sneaking in, Satan reaches the house, and discovers that Buu is out. He then taunts the image of the nasty monster. Until there's a snapping sound behind him and he pleads on his knees for mercy. But, it's just a lizard crawling around. He berates the lizard for scaring him. And Buu drops in. Satan introduces himself very sweetly. Buu asks what to turn Satan into -- a plum, a biscuit, gum... Satan tells Buu to wait, and gives It a great gift. Buu doesn't want anything beyond being able to kill stuff. But, the gift is a box of chocolate. Buu munches away -- they're poisoned. Buu likes the taste. It eats them all. Satan gives It a Game Boy. Buu is interested, but quickly loses and gets pissed. Satan tells the monster to try again at the simple game, runs away, and triggers the bomb hidden inside the machine. Buu easily survives. But, It considers Satan mildly interesting, and gives the hero some plum candy. Satan pretends that the candies are delicious, then pulls a "Look!!" gag on the monster to spit them out. He pulls the gag again, to hit Buu in the back of the head.

Buu wants to know what's out there; just some people. Buu kills them. The explosion is so great, Satan's eyes bug out. He congratulates the monster. Satan takes the chance to get Buu's picture. Buu is posed, and the resulting snapshot implies that Satan has just defeated the evil creature. Later, Satan is stuck cooking It supper, and washing It's back. He thinks, to himself, revenge on the fatty. Under a tree, Kibit is reading a book, Goku is eating, and Kaiou-shin is staring at the ritual. Goku asks if the old guy can really give Gohan great power, and the Kaiou-shin replies "Probably, I guess." Gohan, sitting and meditating, opens one eye to discover that the old coot has fallen asleep. He shouts out "Kaiou-shin-sama", and the two of them argue over whether the coot was really sleeping. The coot reassures the boy, then promptly falls asleep again, under Gohan's frustrated glare. While, at Kami-sama's tower, Piccolo berates Goten and Trunks for their previous mistakes, and tells them to achieve Super Fusion this time for sure. The boys power up, the crowd watches on, and the two go through the motions again. This time, they turn into a cross between an old-style movie Arab prince, and Vegeta.

The group is impressed, and Piccolo wants the Fusion Saiya-jin to stick around and show off his moves. But, arrogance overpowers the hero again, and he races off with Piccolo in pursuit. The boy flies around the globe several times, and comes to a halt to let Piccolo catch up. Gotenks is berated for just displaying speed without power and control, and Gotenks thinks that the testing phase is over. He flies to find Buu. Piccolo rages over how little time the idiot has left himself in Fusion form. Gotenks speeds along, shouting out a challenge to Buu. But, when he lands and calls attention to himself, the Fusion wears off, and the mortified Goten and Trunks realise that they are at a disadvantage again.

They run away before Buu steps out of Its house, with Satan in tow. Satan says "see, Buu-sama, it's just the wind. Satan is reading the "Dog of Flanders" outloud to Buu. He's crying at the sad parts, and Buu happily claps and declares the tragedy to be great fun. They step outside, and Buu declares that It's off to kill more humans, asking if Satan wants to come along with. Satan nervously declines, stating that he'll stay behind and make supper. Buu flies off, and Satan cries out "Ganbatte, ne" (Do your best.) But, with the monster out of sight, Satan yells out names, and pulls out a mass of dynamite from his bag.

With one push of the remote control switch "it's 'The End' of the world's menace." (Note, he's only using 10 sticks, which is well below the level of force that Vegeta had attained.) He hides the bomb in a pot, and laughs madly while begging Buu to return quickly. In the countryside two old people are carrying their bags, escaping the city to hide up in the mountains. When, suddenly the old woman is shot in the head and killed. A ways up in the hills, one guy with a rifle laughs at having made his kill. His friend doesn't like doing this, but the rifleman replies that since Buu is going to kill everyone anyway, what's the harm in their picking off a few people in advance? He coerces his friend to take out the old man, which the reluctant one does. They laugh, and ride off to enter the city. Satan is cooking eggs, gloating about being a hero, before panicking at the sight of Buu's quick return.

Satan leaps outside, and apologizes for not finishing supper. He asks why the monster is holding a puppy, and It wants to know why this thing doesn't run away in fear, and It can't understand what the puppy is "saying." Satan replies that the puppy's leg is injured. Buu checks, realizes that this is true, and heals the dog. It sets the puppy down, and tells the dog to run away so It can kill him. But, the grateful pup just rubs up against Buu's leg. Buu is confused, and Satan tells It that the pup is pleased at having been saved. So, Buu runs off (the logic is that if one of them is running away, it must be the pup that is trying to escape.) But, the dog pursues Buu, and begs to be picked up. Buu asks if the dog likes It, and Satan says "yes, notice that the dog is wagging its tail." Buu asks if Satan likes It, and Satan hesitantly replies "yes." Buu is a bit pleased, and offers the dog some chocolate. Satan interrupts, stating that chocolate is bad; dog food is better. He is then told to go buy some dog food. Some distance away, Satan evilly realizes that this is his chance. He gets off the bike, readies the switch, and stares through a pair of binoculars. But, the sight of Buu and the puppy playing so happily together causes him to postpone his attack. He goes to buy the dog food. In town, the two thrill seekers have racked up 40 kills, but the older one is afraid that Buu will show up soon. The younger one isn't worried, and they keep shooting. The dog happily eats the food, but Buu hates the stuff. Satan asks a question -- why kill everyone? "It's fun.

Bibi-Di and Babi-Di said that it's a great game." Satan tries to tell It that killing people is bad, and then hastily retracts his reprimand. But, Buu says Ok, It'll stop killing and terrorizing people now. Satan eagerly thinks that he's become a True Hero. Savior of the World, Mister Satan!!! The two thrill seekers find Buu's house, and the younger one looks forward to some great times. Buu and the pup are playing fetch, and Buu throws the ball again. The pup runs into the focus of the crosshairs, and is dropped with one shot. The younger guy gloats, and the older one says "Hey, isn't that Majin Buu standing next to Mr. Satan outside the house?" Satan is shocked, and Buu is staring forward in intent confusion. The two thrillseekers comment on the presence of Satan, and the younger one states that they are about to become the world's newest heroes. They start firing missiles and bullets as Mr. Satan runs away. But, the smoke clears to reveal a very pissed Buu. The two are surprised that Buu is still standing, and are going to resume shooting when the older one is blindsided by Satan. The younger one gets beaten up. Buu is watching this in puzzlement, and Its anger ebbs. The younger villian collapes, and Satan spits on him, complaining about "Earthling garbage." Satan curses as he approaches the puppy, then notices that it's not dead yet. Buu rushes over, and heals the dog again.

On the Tower, Piccolo and Dende are watching all of this. Dende is relieved, but Piccolo still thinks that Buu is too dangerous. Buu, Satan, and the puppy are all happy with each other, and Satan is saying "it's great, it's great," as the younger villian recovers enough to shoot Satan in the back with a pistol. The villian runs away, laughing. Satan falls. Buu sets down the puppy, and heals Satan. But, Buu's anger is so great, that Satan asks It what is wrong. Buu manages to tell Satan to take the dog and escape. Then, It blows off some steam. It stares in anger as the steam starts to take shape. Dende, Piccolo, and Satan wonder what's happening. Satan takes cover, and the steam takes the shape of a very emmaciated, old Majin Buu. The creature stares down at Buu, sneers, flies to the younger villian, and with stands some gunfire. The villian dies in a very huge explosion. The new creature trots up to Buu in a stupid fashion, and the two monsters proceed to fight it out. The original Buu seems to be losing, having only half the power as the evil one. When the original Buu uses Its magic to turn the other into chocolate, the evil one blows the magic back. The original Buu turns into a Buu-shaped chocolate bar, and is eaten. Recombined, the evil one makes the transition to Stage Two Buu. Piccolo is concerned about the increase in power, and Satan (not dead yet) has returned to his previous state of continual stunned-ness. The new Buu looks meaner and leaner; well-muscled. It glances at Satan (the hero is wondering what the weirdo will do next,) cracks its neck joints, yawns as if just awakening from a long sleep, then powers up.

Satan and the dog are blown backwards, the monster looks happy, and Piccolo looks shocked. The new Buu looks upward, laughing. Its focus is Piccolo and Dende, who are looking back down in concern. Krillin walks up, asking what's wrong. Piccolo asks if he can't feel the energy of Buu's upgrade. Piccolo explains what happened. Krillin stammers, hoping that the two Saiya-jin boys, in Fusion form, can take on Buu. Dende is silent, and Piccolo is doubtful. On Kaiou-shin's planet, Goku wonders if he's feeling Buu's energy, and Kaiou-shin confirms it. Gohan asks the old coot to hurry up with the power-up, so he can go fight on Earth. However, the old coot tells the boy to not worry, (he's actually reading manga, and not doing the spell.)

Gohan is getting VERY impatient. Buu is just standing in place, looking at Its hands, and Satan is scared shitless. The older thrillseeker recovers from Satan's thrashing, scrambles up to get a gun, and starts shooting Buu. The bullets just pass through the new monster, and the holes seal up again. The monster stretches, laughs, and flies into the villian's mouth. The villian starts to expand, and blows up messily. Buu reassembles itself, and launches off to kill Satan. The hero is cowering over the puppy. The monster freezes, then disappears. Satan looks up, then convinces himself that the stupid creature ran away to escape his great power. However, Buu is hovering just overhead. It angerly says "Sa...ta..n...?" then flies away. Satan collapses, wondering if the monster remembers him. Buu tears over the countryside before zooming straight up. Piccolo realizes that Buu has sensed their energy. Then, the monster reaches the top of Karin tower, and grins at Piccolo, Dende, Mr. Poppo, Yamcha, and Krillin.

Buu lands on Kami-sama's tower, and insolently says "Thought so." Piccolo expects to be killed, but Buu says "come out." No one understands, so Buu shouts "COME -- OUT !!!" Piccolo asks what Buu means, and the monster replies that he wants to fight someone that can challenge him. He can sense a strong power up here. Krillin is scared, and the women come out to see what the noise is about. Buu is getting impatient, and Piccolo asks It to wait, since the hidden fighter isn't at full power yet, and Buu only wants to fight the hero at full power, right? Buu hates waiting, so It'll just have to kill some innocent victims. Piccolo keeps begging, but the monster grins, and walks the full circuit around the top of the tower. Everyone wonders what is going to happen. Buu returns to Piccolo, smiles, raises his arm, and starts firing off energy blasts straight up. The fireworks are spectacular, and the blasts arc down to the Earth, and each one kills exactly one person.

Dende collapses at the sight of so much death. Buu smiles, and says that everyone on Earth is now dead. It wants It's opponent to come out to fight. Piccolo gives in. However, since the fighter is now sleeping, it'll take 2, no 1, hour. Buu asks how long one hour is. Piccolo creates a sandglass, and says that this will empty in one hour. Buu studies the thing, and answers "No way." So, Piccolo answers back that Mr. Satan's daughter is also up here with them. Buu recognizes Satan's scent, and concedes. But after 1 hour, It'll kill them all, the daughter too. It kneels down to watch the sand fall. Piccolo tells Krillin to get Trunks and Goten into the Room of Spirit and Time. In there, 1 hour will last 15 days. Right now, the boys aren't good enough at Fusion to defeat Buu. Goten and Trunks are sleeping. In the mountains, Chau-zu and Tenshin-han are wondering what it was that just tried to kill them.

Satan is walking in the countryside (the puppy is nearby,) and he wonders what all that fireworks had been about. On Kaiou-shin's planet, Goku and Kaiou-shin are trying to understand the surge of power they're feeling (looks like the Earthlings are already getting trashed.) Gohan is losing his temper, and demands that the old coot finish with the spell already. The coot isn't letting himself be rushed, and Gohan explodes, powering up and yelling that he wants to fight Buu. However, his body has undergone a transformation (looks kind of god-like), and he wonders where this power has come from. The old coot needs more time to finish the spell, so Gohan sits down and meekly apologizes. The old coot returns to reading his manga. Goku asks Kaiou-shin if the old coot has really given the boy this power, and Shin is not so sure.

Goku wonders how Gohan pulled this off. In Kami-sama's tower, Goten and Trunks stare at the new Buu, asking if this is really It. Piccolo confirms it, and then tries to get the boys to train in the room of Spirit and Time, for the equivalent of 6 hours. However, Chi Chi takes this chance to go up to Buu, slap It in the face, and demand that It return her dead Gohan. Buu turns Chi Chi into an egg, and steps on her. Goten almost goes berzerk, but Piccolo manages to get the boy to train in the SaTR, rather than throw his life away needlessly right now. Trunks is sure that they can completely defeat Buu, and Gohan is lost in hatred (like Gohan felt when Cell killed Goku.)

Goten and Trunks are in the SaTR, and Trunks wants to eat. But, Goten keeps training, so Trunks runs to join his friend and keep up in power levels. Back at the Tower, Videl asks Piccolo how Buu could know about her father, and Piccolo replies that Buu and Satan had become friends. Videl ponders this, as Buu gets tired of staring at the sand dial.

It destroys the clock, and Piccolo asks for just 30 minutes more. But It blows a hole in the floor of the Tower, in front of the demon's feet, and demands to be allowed to do some fighting. Piccolo relents, and leads the monster to the center of the palace. Krillin is afraid that Buu will be guided to the SaTR, and Piccolo just looks stonely resolute. Kamesennin, Dende, Krillin, and Bulma are trying to understand Piccolo's motive in guiding Buu to the Room of Spirit and Time.
Since Trunks and Goten aren't yet ready, and so on, they'll probably lose. However, Dende assures the group that the Room can be treated as a trap for Buu, and the Dragon Balls can be used to wish the boys back to life. Further, Krillin comments that Piccolo is taking his time, so 1 minute in our world is 6 hours in the SaTR. Buu is getting more impatient, wondering why they haven't reached the room yet. Inside, the two boys are tired, and talking about having just finished a bout of Fusion mode, and how it feels to go past Super Saiya-jin level. They discuss the advantages of training in the SaTR, and having 1 week of extra training time. With glee, they envision being able to save all their frineds and relatives with their great power. Unfortunately, Piccolo uses ESP to tell them that he is on his way to let Buu into the Room to fight them soon. Goten panics, stating that they just came out of Fusion mode. Piccolo assures them that they have 6 hours to sleep and recover. They do this, and Piccolo asks Buu if he wants supper first. The monster angrily replies that he doesn't need to eat, but that It's tired of all this messing around. They reach the door, and go in. Buu looks around, commenting that it's a weird place. It finds the two boys waiting for It.

They taunt the monster, and Buu isn't impressed. Piccolo silently pleads for the boys to not screw up again. As they start the Fusion pose, Buu loses his patience and bashes Trunks. Trunks yells at the monster to wait, It CAN understand the idea of waiting, right? Buu looks sullen. Goten and Trunks go through the dance, and with a flash they turn into Gotenks. Piccolo is happy, and Buu waits while Gotenks continues bragging. Buu still isn't impressed, while Piccolo believes that the boys have gotten a lot more power. So, Gotenks attacks Buu, and has no effect. Gotenks wants to know what went wrong, and Piccolo doesn't know, either. Gotenks laughs off his first attack, claiming that he wasn't really trying before. This time, it's for real. He lunges forward again, coming up with stupid names for his punches and kicks. Eventually, Buu bats the boy away, and Piccolo is extremely embarrassed. Gotenks blusters some more, but Buu complains that this hasn't been fun yet. So, the boy announces "Super Saiya-jin" and powers up. Piccolo comments on the fact that the SSJ occurred AFTER the start of Fusion. Gotenks is going to try again, but pauses while trying to decide which attack to use.

He comes up with something that would unfortunately kill Buu after only one shot. Bowing to fate, Gotenks yells out "Galactica Donut!!!!" and draws an energy ring in the air. The Donut encircles Buu and tightens. The monster roars in pain. Then It sneers and says "just kidding." It breaks free, and plays Gotenks like a soccer ball. The two bash heads, and Gotenks decides to try yet another fantastic technique. This time, it's "Super Ghost Kamikazi Attack." Buu is stunned, and Gotenks spits out an evil little ghost (the ghost says "Hi----i. I'm a ghost.") Gotenks claims that he has won. The ghost floats forward, warning Buu to leave, because it considers itself truly scary. Buu is waiting, Piccolo wonders what kind of attack this is, and Gotenks expects imminent death. He tells the ghost to go ahead, and it rushes forward. Buu easily blocks the ghost, but it explodes and causes lots of damage to the monster. Gotenks gloats over the kamekazi ghost, and Piccolo tells the boy to hurry up and do it again. Gotenks eventually gets around to spitting out 10 more Super Kamekazi ghosts, but spends time getting them lined up and counting off. One ghost complains about another nudging it too hard, running the risk of making them explode. When Gotenks is finally ready, Piccolo points out the fact that Buu is boredly reading manga and drinking cream soda. Ghosts #1 and #2 are launched, Buu evades them, and they harmlessly blow themselves up.

Buu says that it can't be taken out by the same attack twice, so Gotenks gets into a huddle with #3-#7. He stirs them up with a "Fight" cheer, and two ghosts slap hands in preparation -- blowing themselves up. The remaining ghosts, except #10, are sent forward, but while Buu is expecting them, the ghosts swerve off and settle down around something they've found. They discuss the "interesting thing" they'd located, and Buu comes over to check it out. One ghost calls the thing a turd, but the others correct it. When Buu is looking over their shoulders, the ghosts explode. Piccolo is impressed, and Buu has been reduced to a twisted kind of tadpole. #10 is told to go down Buu's throat and blow up, which is what happens. Standing in front of the blast, Gotenks claims that it's all over. [NOTE: Of course, it's never that easy. After all, Gohan is busy powering up, and he's the main star.
The question is, what is he going to be fighting against? The next stage Buu? Also, some people have complained that the Dragon Balls make things too easy. If someone dies, they can just be wished back to life again. Toriyama himself is well aware of the problem, and will undoubtedly come up with a twist that leaves a lot of people dead at the end. Keep in mind that you can only be wished back to life once, and the masses killed by Vegeta at the Budoukai have probably been killed a second time when Buu turned everyone into candy and ate them. You also can not be wished back if you've been dead more than one year, which may also be a problem for a few people. Anyway, there's at least 200-400 people that will still be dead at the end, and maybe more.]

Time passes on Kaiou-shin's planet, and Goku comments on Buu's energy having disappeared. Shin and Kibit think that maybe Gotenks has killed the monster, and Goku adds that Gotenk's Fusion energy has also disappeared. The old Kaiou-shin corrects them, saying that the fight is taking place in a different dimension, -- Goku realizes that the Kaiou means the Room of Spirit and Time. The old coot continues, saying that Piccolo had led Buu there, and Goku cattily replies that the Kaoi-shin have great powers, so Gohan will undergo a REALLY BIG power up. Kaiou-shin sulks, and says "I am useless." In the Room, Gotenks is gloating over destroying Buu, and Piccolo berates the boy, telling him to destroy the pieces of Buu before it can reconstruct. They do so, and Piccolo praises the boy for finishing the battle. Then, a strong wind sweeps in -- it is Buu, pulling Itself back together. And now, IT IS PISSED. Piccolo and Gotenks realize that burning Buu to death was a mistake, it left the particles of smoke and ash for Buu to work with. Which means that Buu can't be burned to death; It has to be destroyed by "energy." As an extra measure, the door to the Room has to be destroyed.

Piccolo tells the boy to spit out more Kamekazi Ghosts, but Gotenks wants to intimidate Piccolo first (he knows that he still has several strong techniques) so he yells in dispair that he has used up his power, and now the world will be wiped out. Buu uses the chance to snap out the curl on Its forehead, snag Gotenks, and smash the boy about the Room. After a bit of getting bashed up, Gotenks gets angry, then mimics a public announcement: "Ladies and gentlement, now, another great technique." However, Piccolo decides to blow up the door leading out of the Room, and tells them that they are now all trapped here. Gotenks can't defeat Buu, so Buu can now do whatever it likes, because no one can get out of the Room to return to the normal world. Gotenks is panicking, because his little charade backfired. Piccolo and Gotenks call each other "baka" for a while. Buu is told that Its favorite sweets don't exist here -- It can't handle this, and yells out "I can't stand that!!!!" Its shout punches a hole between the dimensions, and It stares through the hole to the plaza of Kami-sama's tower in surprise.

Piccolo realizes that Buu has just blown a hole out to the real world, and can now escape. The hole quickly closes, and Buu stretches out to reach the hole and gets out, leaving Gotenks and Piccolo trapped. At the Tower, Krillin and friends cautiously step out to the plaza to investigate the noise they just heard. Meanwhile on Kaiou-shin's planet, Goku feels Buu's ki return, but not the Fusion energy of the boys. He curses his inability to see what's happening, so the old coot creates a crystal ball for them. (Goku is impressed.) At the Tower, a rubberband goo spins in the air before splatting on the ground. Kame-sennin and Yamcha both recognize the ki signature, as the monster regains Its shape. Buu says, "Lucky. You came out just as I was getting hungry," and turns everyone into chocolate. Goku curses futilely, and Gohan asks what happened. The Saiya-jin just replies that Gohan better get improved by the old coot, quickly (silently, he wonders what will happen if no one is left to use the Dragon Balls.) In the Room of Spirit and Time, Piccolo and Gotenks fail to shout hard enough to blow another hole through the 'wall'. Piccolo is giving up, so Gotenks resigns himself to giving away his true power before he could pick the best time for showing it off. He switches to Super Saiya-jin 3, brags about his strength, complains about his hair and the fact that his face now looks more mean, and because there's no time to waste -- blows a new hole through the dimensions. Piccolo does his best to imitate a vampire that's bitten into the neck of an anemic. They escape and face Buu. Gotenks brags that they're out, and Buu does a double-take over Gotenks' image change. Behind It, Dende's palace is in ruins.

Gotenks raves over how strong he now is, and via the crystal ball, Goku happily curses the boys for having reached SSJ-3 so much sooner than he himself ever could. Having eaten his fill, Buu is happy to return to work, and Piccolo and Gotenks now discover that all of their friends and family that had been on the Tower, have been consumed. Buu says "turned 'em into chocolate." Gotenks announces that now he is angry, and attacks. Buu, with chocolate smeared around his mouth, just sneers. The powered-up Gotenks smashes into Buu, surprising both the monster and Piccolo, and doing severe damage to the surrounding buildings. There's some fighting, which includes Buu rolling himself up into a ball, and bashing his way through Kami-sama's palace, much to Piccolo's dismay. Buu has gotten pissed at being hurt. Soon, there is nothing left of the floating palace, except falling debris. Piccolo is stunned, and Gotenks keeps trying to get into a cool pose to announce his next attack, but is interrupted as Buu keeps almost hitting him. Piccolo yells at the boy, and Gotenks announces Renzoku Super Donuts. This time, the energy rings shoot out and entrap the rolled-up Buu, forming a volley ball. Gotenks wants to start up a team attack, and berates Piccolo for not showing the proper enthusiasm ("That's not right! What do you mean, 'umm', you're supposed to say "haiiiii".) Then we get "Pass", "Toss", and "Attack." The volley ball is smashed Earthwards, and Gotenks follows it, while Piccolo complains about not getting to have any of the fun.

Gotenks laughs maniacally at what looks like a huge meteorite crater, and announces that he is scary. Gotenks yells at Buu to come up out of the crater and fight again. It's starting to look like the monster is dead, when it fires an energy ball up at the boy. In retaliation, Gotenks fires a bunch of blasts back, and argues with Piccolo over the increased death toll. The boy believes that the Dragon Balls can bring all the normal people back, but Piccolo reminds him that one wish has already been used up. But, after stopping, it's clear that a lot of countryside has been eradicated. And, when Buu surfaces, It's pissed. Piccolo warns Gotenks about the upcoming battle, but the boy is overconfident, and Buu head butts him. A shouting match follows, which destroys a full city (Gotenks can do nearly everything Buu can.) They also punch and kick each other a bit. Goku is watching on the crystal ball, and he thinks that Gohan may not get a turn. Buu is looking pretty battered, and Gotenks boasts more as he prepares a Kamehama-ha. He tells the monster to die, just as his power disappears and he drops from SSJ 3 to the just plain Fusion form. (Time passes faster for a fighter while in SSJ 3 form, as Goku discovered when his 24 hours allotted to him on Earth was less than he'd expected. Therefore, the 30 minutes that Gotenks can exist in Fusion form is being shortened by being in SSJ 3 mode.) Everyone reacts to Gotenk's loss of super Fusion, Buu has a chance to recover, and Gotenks surrenders. Goku yells for the old coot to hurry up, as the runt has powered down. Gohan is happy for the chance to act, and the old coot replies that he'd finished 5 minutes ago; he was waiting for a big pinch, to make things more dramatic. Gohan asks if he's really going to be stronger now, and the coot tells him to power up. Without even switching to super saiya-jin mode, Gohan's ki blows everyone backwards, and the boy is impressed with the extra energy. Goku says his farewells to his son, and tells the boy to defeat Buu. They hug, and then Kibit teleports the boy to Earth (Kibit wanted to handle this task without Kaiou-shin's help,) then fulfills the boy's wish of changing Gohan's clothes to match Goku's fighting outfit.

Kibit returns home, and Gohan rushes to find Buu. At the fight site, Goten and Trunks have separated, and Piccolo prepares to protect them. Except, Buu decides to fall asleep instead. As Piccolo is trying to understand why, the entire group reacts to the approach of a REALLY STRONG ki. Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks all wonder who it is blasting in with such great power, and Buu starts reacting angrily. The demon guesses it's Goku, but Goten gets it right as Gohan skids in to a halt. The boy explains where he's been (and the fact that he's not dead,) the two runts rejoice, and Piccolo wonders whether this really is Gohan (face is slightly changed, but the energy is all wrong.) The hero asks where the others are, and is told that Buu killed them -- including Dende, which Gohan immediately understands means that they can't make wishes on the Dragon Balls anymore. Buu laughs that Its victims all tasted good when he turned them into chocolates. However, Gohan can still feel someone's energy. He smiles, which confuses the monster. Buu wonders if the fool wants to fight him, and is told "No, I'm going to kill you." Piccolo realizes that this is pointless, and the two runts panic, wishing that they could return to Fusion form and join in the fight. As Buu is laughing stupidly to Itself, Gohan powers up a little and kicks the monster around. Hard. When It catches Itself on a return trip Earthward, It looks back up, only to be told that the hero is BEHIND It. Gohan is grinning like Vegeta would, and everyone else looks very shocked (at the boy's sudden increase in power and speed.) Buu is looking a bit banged up, Gohan smirks that Buu can't win, and the rest have their jaws dragging on the ground. Then Buu grins, saying that It had felt the boy's fantastic power a very long distance away. They banter, and Buu declares that It WILL get revenge on the boy, by killing him.

Gohan thinks that the monster is wasting its breath, but It self-destructs, creating a large mushroom cloud. High above the cloud, Gohan floats, holding Piccolo and the two runts in his arms. Later, on the ground, the others think that Buu may be dead, but Gohan states that the monster is still alive, just masking Its energy. Trunks is happy at this thought, because Gohan is still able to kick Its butt; in fact Gohan may be almost as strong as Super Gotenks. Goten corrects him, and Trunks allows that maybe Gohan is a BIT stronger than Gotenks. Then, Gohan asks where the Dragon Radar is, and Trunks answers that the demon last had it. Piccolo considers this a waste, because Dende is dead, and the Balls won't work now. But, Gohan tells them that he can feel Dende's energy. As the group flies over the cities, it looks like Buu killed EVERYONE. Except, there are two survivors. Mister Satan and the dog are walking under the hot sun, and Satan is hoping to find a beer to drink, although at this point he'd accept some water. Trunks is annoyed that Satan of all people had been spared, but Piccolo considers the blowhard to be a good soul underneath it all.

Piccolo picks up Satan (he thanks them, and notices that Gohan is in with the group) and they fly off. Piccolo wonders how Dende was saved, and Gohan points out that from watching the crystal ball, he knows that Piccolo was in the Room of Spirit and Mind a bit longer than Buu was -- which means that some time passed during which Buu was trying to eat the survivors. 10 seconds had passed in the Room, which means that Dende at least had time to escape. Piccolo is so happy, he drops Satan, and Trunks has to save him. Finally, they locate Kami-sama out in the hills. Dende tells them that Mr. Popo had made sure that Dende was the only one not to be killed, and Piccolo replies that of course, Popo knew that the Balls would turn to rock if Dende died. Satan asks who the brat with the sickly skin color is, and is shocked to learn that the "brat" is God. On Kaiou-shin's planet, Goku is relieved to see Dende alive, Kaiou-shin asks what the Dragon Balls are, and the old coot wonders why Buu hadn't been defeated yet. On Earth, Satan is hysteric over hearing that his daughter is dead. Goten promises him that she can be brought back, and the guy demands that Goten "swallow 1000 needles if you are lying." Suddenly, the fighters feel Buu's energy -- the monster has changed somehow (doesn't look any different) and is flying towards them. Gohan flits off to get away from his friends prior to facing the monster again, and wonders what it is that has changed. Everyone is wondering what the difference in Buu is, and the monster calls to the runts to come out and fight.

Gohan states that this is just between It and Him, but Buu answers that the boys can now do Fusion again; after that, It will fight Gohan. Gohan wants to start fighting now, but Buu asks if the runts are too scared to face him -- this is too much for Trunks and Goten, and they trade taunts. Piccolo realizes that something's weird here, but Trunk's arrogance flares up, and the runts perform Fusion. Gohan gets to see Super Gotenks for the first time, Buu is evilly happy, and Gotenks announces his presence as "the ultimate god of death." Buu wants Gotenks' power, and Piccolo's mind -- as Gotenks leaps in to stand next to Gohan, the monster emits two pieces of itself unnoticed. Gotenks tells Gohan to step back, as there is only room for one of them to fight, and the boy irritatedly does so. Gotenks prepares to finish off the monster, but is taken by surprise when the Buu-blob engulfs him. Piccolo is then a quick second. The two blobs return to Papa, and from the Other World, Goku tries to warn Gohan of the impending danger. Very soon, the Ultimate Buu forms: It is tall, thin, muscular, and It's forehead-dangly now hangs long and low behind Its back.

It asks "Gohan-kun" if It's Ultimate Majin form looks cool. Buu finally explains that back when It felt Gohan's growing power, It starting making Its plans -- because It wanted Gotenks' power, after luring Gohan to the fight site, It allowed Itself to be "defeated" and then waited an hour to allow the runts to perform Fusion again. Its entire plan was to prepare itself to absolutely kill Gohan; the earlier form of Majin Buu could destroy Gohan, the new version is even stronger. Gohan disagrees.

Buu wants to get started with the end-all battle (looks like the time limit on Gotenks' super power may also affect It) and they go at it. This time, Gohan is the one getting bashed (he even needs a warning from Dende to tell him that an energy ball is about to hit him from behind.) After the explosion, Gohan tries to hide his energy, but Buu easily finds him, and taunts the boy over the stalling tactic. The fight continues, and Buu uses the Continuous Donuts trick to imprison Gohan long enough to blow the boy away with Kamehame-ha. In the Other World, watching through the crystal ball, Goku and Kaiou-shin are panicking, while the old coot (who Goku calls Dai Kaiou-shin-sama; or Big/Great Kaiou-shin) offers Goku the chance to return to Earth.

The others tell Dai that Goku is dead and can't return, but the coot offers to give up his own life to restore life to the dead hero. Kibit goes ballastic over a Kaiou doing something like this for a mere human, and the coot answers that he's doing this for all the worlds -- if Buu triumphs on Earth, It will come to destroy the Other World as well. Kaiou-shin volunteers to sacrifice himself instead, but the coot says that he's had a long 1000 years, so what the hey. Gohan exerts himself and breaks free of the Donuts just before the Kamehame-ha gets to him. Buu is mildly miffed. Meanwhile, at the gates to Heaven and Hell, The Gate Keeper is commenting on Vegeta's body and spirit having been saved intact.

Uranai Baba gets to permit Vegeta his 24 hours on Earth, and the Saiya-jin Prince muses on how his very own evil self gets to return to Earth to fight Buu. (Vegeta now has a halo, and looks normal again, wearing his old fighting outfit.) Dai says goodbye and keels over. Goku's halo disappears, and he apologizes to the dead coot. But Dai (who now has his own halo) pops up and yells at the hero to quit wasting time and hurry up and leave. Amidst the ravaged countryside, Buu taunts Gohan over only having 1 second left to live. Gohan rubs a bruise under his eye, as Buu tells the boy to keep trying harder. Angry, the boy attacks again, only to be smashed into the ground. He tries to fire off an energy blast, but the monster just bats the blast down at him (the blast goes down through the planet and comes out the other side.) Buu flies down into the pit, and finds the boy embedded in the wall. It laughs, stating that they've only been fighting 10 minutes, but It is having fun. Up on the surface, Dende cringes at the sounds of flesh being pounded to a pulp and tells Satan to grab the dog and run far away. However, the Hero is going to uphold his reputation, and kill the monster with the Colt .45 he pulls out. On Kaiou-shin's planet, Goku is preparing to teleport to Earth, when Dai Kaiou-shin stops him. The coot states that Buu is more powerful than Goku and Gohan apart, and adds that It probably will not wait while Goku and Gohan go through the Fusion pose in order to power up. Goku, in desperation, asks what he can do. The coot grins, having waited for this moment, and hands over his earrings. Goku is told to put one on his left ear. Goku asks if this is supposed to make him stronger. The coot continues, telling him to put the other earring on Gohan's right ear -- it will act just like Fusion. Goku is happy, and the coot explains that this is something that the Kaiou-shin's used to do a long time ago. Kaiou-shin can't believe this, and the coot tells him to exchange earrings with Kibit.

Kaiou-shin and Kibit do this. There is a flash. On Earth, Gohan smashes into the rocks, and lies unconscious. Dende runs forward to heal him. Buu is preparing for the Big Finish, when Gohan jumps away (he thanks Dende.) Buu is surprised to see the boy looking healthier, but doesn't expect anything to have changed. Gohan takes a blast directly, and Buu then fires a shot to kill Dende. Gohan doesn't have time to react. Satan shoots the .45, and the blast breaks up. Satan gloats over the supreme firepower of his handgun. Of course, the real person to have interferred was Tenshinhan (the title refers to the Triclops, but Satan probably believes it refers to himself.) The Fused Kaiou-bit is rejoicing over the great power he is feeling, and he wants to go to Earth to fight alongside Goku. However, the Coot tells him to stay here and wait, in case Buu wins and wants to destroy the universe. Goku asks what the time limit is for this kind of Fusion and is told -- there isn't one: this form of Fusion is permanent. Kaiou-bit is shocked. Goku is in a quandry, since fusing will prevent the boy from having a normal life, but if they don't fuse, there won't be any school for the boy to attend. Dai Kaiou-shin tells him to hurry up and go to Earth, before Gohan gets killed. The hero teleports out. Buu is creating a bigger energy ball that will destroy the planet, and dares anyone to interfere with this attack. Tenshinhan and Gohan both realize that they've blown it, while Satan brings up his pistol and calls out that he will punish the monster. The old coot tells Goku about the powers of the earring as it relates to switching to Super Saiya-jin mode (merge first, power up later), and Goku asks if the old coot had ever merged with someone himself. The coot then relates the story of how long, long ago, an old witch decided that she wanted to borrow his earring to see how she would look as "a pretty girl." The merger apparently never wore off, given the coot's current facial features. Kaiou-bit calls out that (according to the crystal ball) Buu is about to destroy the world. Goku teleports out, and Satan apologizes to Buu and shoots at the monster with his .45. Goku appears on Earth just in time to use a cutting energy ball (like Krillin's) to chop the monster into three parts. Buu's energy ball shoots off into space. Gohan wants to know how his father can be back on Earth, and Satan cringes at the thought of being punished for hurting Buu. Buu recognizes Goku from the last time they fought, and tells the hero that It has gotten a lot stronger than it had been. Goku sneers, and brags that he now has a REALLY great "power up item." Buu isn't impressed, and the lower half of It (which had landed next to Tenshinhan) KO's the tricyclops with a kick before reuniting with the upper half. Buu and Goku jaw for a bit before Goku throws the earring to Gohan. The earring hits the ground and disappears inbetween some rocks. Goku yells at the boy to hurry up and find it, and then to put it on his right ear. Goku also pleads for a timeout, but the monster wants to kill the interloper before continuing to bash the boy. Goku swears and switches to SSJ3, Gohan find the earring and asks if it's like the ones Kaiou-shin wears, and Buu switches up his power to employ the characteristics of Piccolo and Gotenks. Goku powers back down to wait for Gohan to put on the earring, but the third part of Buu (the rubbery forelock that had been chopped off earlier) sneaks up behind the boy and envelops him. Goku swears and goes crazy, as Buu takes on Gohan's clothing and facial features. The Old Coot is watching on the crystal ball, and he says that it's all over now. Goku desperately searches for someone else to merge with -- Tenshinhan is down, Dende isn't a fighter, and the only one left is Mr. Satan. Buu is laughing over Goku's plight, asking who is left for the hero to merge with now that Buu has absorbed Gohan. The hero is wondering the same thing, and keeps coming up with Mr. Satan as the only option. Buu claims that out of the gentleness of It's own heart, It will give Goku 5 seconds to make one last shot at a merger. Goku is frantically thinking that a power of 1000 plus a power of 1 is still only 1001, which isn't enough to challenge Buu. (That and he'd have an ugly face afterwards, too.) Satan tells Dende that things look bad, since Buu didn't die yet, and he is out of bullets. Dende isn't too concerned at this news. Buu counts down the final seconds and Goku is about to throw the earring at Satan. The monster smirks -- time has run out. But, Goku freezes, feeling an energy trace that he quickly recognizes as Vegeta's. Meanwhile, a long distance away, Uranai Baba is telling the Saiya-jin prince that this is as far as she can bring him, since she's scared to get any closer to Buu. Vegeta is just happy at getting a second chance to kill Buu. Goku shouts out "Lucky" and teleports just as Buu zooms in for the kill. It misses, and realizes what has happened. Goku is happy to see Vegeta, while the Prince and Baba are surprised to see the hero alive again. Buu thinks that Goku has just run away to escape, and zooms off to track him down. Left on their own, Satan is wondering what to do next, and Dende is going to leave the site. Satan wants to stay with the green god, fearing retribution from Buu for having shot at it. Dende dislikes this situation a lot.

Goku tells Baba to escape since Buu will arrive soon (she zips away) and tells Vegeta to wear the ring on his right ear. The Prince asks "why." Goku stammers out that it will cause them to merge and get great powers. Vegeta has no intention of merging with Kakarot. Goku yells back that Buu will defeat them otherwise. They argue as Buu rushes in to stop them. Having been brought back to life, Vegeta is stronger again. Vegeta had also been watching Goku from the other world, and wasn't impressed by the power up to SSJ 3. He doesn't want to merge at all. So Goku asks him if he also knows that Buu has eaten everyone, including Bulma, and powered up further by absorbing Piccolo, Gohan, and Gotenks. Buu discovers them as Goku makes one last plea. Vegeta submits and accepts the earring. He swears, asking if it's supposed to be on the right ear. Goku says yes, and adds that they won't seperate again afterward. This doesn't make Vegeta happier, but he finishes putting the earring on. Buu is about to throw a killing energy ball, but pauses at the sight of the merged Vegetto (actually, the merged duo don't have a name yet.) Vegetto looks like Goku, with black hair standing in Super Saiya-jin form, and a cross between Goku's and Vegeta's fight uniforms. The result is a street boxer with dangly earrings. The new hero says "Vegeta + Kakarot gives me the name Vegetto." He powers up, and easily bats Buu's energy ball back at the monster. Buu blusters a bit and attacks, only to get kicked in the face. Vegetto replies that with a nose bleed, it's a good thing that the monster now has a nose. Buu blusters a little more, and gets trashed. In the Other World, Kaiou-bit is happy, and the Old Coot thinks that Vegetto is strong enough to end things right now. Vegetto spears the monster with a controlled energy blast, and complains that it's no fun if the monster doesn't fight full-out. So, Buu frees Itself from the energy spear, and emits a cloud to hide in. However, Vegetto beats the crap out of It, and says that feeling the monster's energy made up for not being able to see It. He's also holding Buu's torn-off forelock; he throws it away and vaporizes it. (The Old Coot is ranting that this is not a game, and he wants to know what Vegetto is waiting for.) Angry, Buu regrows Its forelock. Vegetto is trying to make Buu angry, to make things fun.

So, Buu spits out a batch of Super Kamikaze Ghosts, and sets them on Vegetto. (This time, the ghosts look like cute, evil versions of Buu.) But, Vegetto zips to the side, and wipes the ghosts out with energy balls. He asks if such a childish attack is the best It can do, causing the monster to rage in frustration and start up a punching attack. Dai Kaiou-shin is cursing over the escalating threat, and Vegetto easily blocks the punches using just his feet (and he keeps teasing Buu about it.) While, far away, Dende is flying with Satan in his arms (Satan is holding the dog). Dende comments that the explosions they hear are from the battle, and Satan can't believe that the noises are so loud. Vegetto kicks Buu in the face, and then tells the monster that to beat him, It really has to try harder. So, the monster asks if Vejita likes coffee candies. Vegetto is turned into a gum drop, and Buu gloats over having won. Buu is happy, Kaiou-bit is shocked, and Dai Kaiou-shin believes that it's all over. Except that Buu suddenly punches Itself in the face with the hand holding the candy. The candy floats away, says that Buu hasn't won yet, and declares itself the world's strongest gum drop. The candy ball then trashes Buu some more, including blowing out the back of Buu's throat and lopping off Its forelock again. The monster gives up and returns Vegetto to normal form. Vegetto is happier, Kaiou-bit is relieved, and Dai Kaiou-shin wants Vegetto to just destroy the monster already. The hero announces that he'll finish the battle at the count of ten.

As he's counting, Vegetto wonders why the monster doesn't start powering up, and Buu is frantically trying to figure what to do. Suddenly, It remembers the blown-off forelock, and sics it against Vegetto. As Vegetto announces "10" (and is getting concerned that nothing will happen), the loose Buu-blob engulfs him from behind. Vegetto protects himself with a skin-level energy barrier at the last moment. Then, the Buu-blob absorbs him and returns to papa. With Vegetto integrated into It, Buu starts thinking I did it!

Buu is going crazy with joy (giving the world the finger, and so on), while Kaiou-bit is convinced that "it's all over." However, Dai Kaiou-shin comments that something's different this time -- Buu isn't undergoing a power up yet. Eventually, Buu realizes the same thing. He doesn't care, though, because there's still no one left to stop him from destroying all life now. He laughs insanely, and we get to travel down his throat, and inside It. The inside of Buu looks like a big sponge, with tunnels and wide open spaces. Vegetto is complaining about how Buu keeps on acting stupid, and even inside It, the monster's laughter is irritating. Vegetto is happy that his barrier worked the way he hoped, and he drops the spell in preparation for searching for Gohan and crew (Vegetto believes that since Piccolo, Gotenks, and Gohan aren't dead, that they can still be rescued.)

When the barrier drops, Vegetto splits up into Goku and Vegeta again. Goku is stunned, since the merger was supposed to be permanent. He wants to keep wearing the earring, in case the two of them get back outside, so they can re-merge. However, Vegeta considers this a lucky break, and he destroys his earring to prevent a second merger from ever happening (giving the Kaiou-shins, who are still watching these events through the crystal ball, a big shock.) Vegeta decides to search for the others, so they can leave and see if Buu has destroyed the world yet. Goku disgustedly crushes his own earring and follows after. They quickly locate Piccolo, Trunks, Goten, and Gohan -- encased in giant cysts, unconscious but still alive. Buu is preparing to fire an energy blast to wipe out Earth, as Goku and Vegeta discuss why Gotenks has also split up within Buu (Goku says that the 30 minutes for Fusion had ended long ago, and that caused the two boys to separate.) Goku is thinking that maybe he and Vegeta can try Fusion inside Buu, but Vegeta is more interested in freeing everyone and leaving. The cysts get ripped out by the roots, and Buu goes into spasms. The Kaiou-shins rejoice, while Buu is trying to figure out what's wrong. Goku and Vegeta now start arguing about how they can get strong enough to fight Buu when they get out, and Vegeta goes ballastic (he'd been watching everything while in heaven, and there's NO WAY he'd ever go through that stupid Fusion pose.) Suddenly, Vegeta sees one more cyst -- containing the unconscious Fat Buu (Goku calls It Buu's Original form.) They try to figure this out as Ultimate Buu starts seeping up through the floor.

Vegeta and Goku are standing, looking at the cyst. The face of Fat Buu is visible, and Vegeta is explaining to Goku that from the Other World he'd seen the Thin Buu turn the Fat One into chocolate and eat It. The hero wonders if this means that everyone else who'd been turned into chocolate might be alive and trapped in here somewhere. Ultimate Buu answers "No. That one's the only one." Ultimate Buu is oozing up from the floor. It continues saying that It had thought there was something strange about these two (humans). Buu doesn't like this situation and is going to trash them, when Goku argues with Vegeta that they should escape outside, where they could have used the earrings again if Vegeta hadn't crushed his. Buu realizes now that the two can't merge again. (Vegeta berates Goku for giving away that little secret.) Buu leaps free of the floor, and the two Saiya-jin power up in desperation. Goku warns the monster to not come any closer, or he'll blow a big hole in It's body. It just sneers, and Goku blasts away. Outside, Dende is flying along, carrying Satan and the dog. The Green God says that they are nearing Buu now. Satan asks how the Namek knows this, and Dende answers that he can feel Buu's 'ki'. Satan says "What? Majin Buu's tree?" ("ki" can be translated as "energy", but it can also be read as "tree". This is proof that Satan is not even CLOSE to the Z Fighters in terms of training or skill, as he doesn't understand what Dende is talking about.) Dende lands, and the two of them stare out at the cliff where Buu is standing motionlessly. Satan wonders why It isn't moving, and Dende is trying to figure out the energy levels he's picking up. Inside, Goku's blast had little effect. Buu replies that It has just felt a little "tic" at the back of It's head. Because the two Saiya-jin are so small (think "Fantastic Voyage") they're not so strong anymore. Goku asks where the exit is, so he can defeat the monster, but It responds that the two aren't leaving -- they're going to be en-cysted. Vegeta doesn't agree, and he grabs the base of the cyst holding Fat Buu. He wonders what would happen if the Fat One is freed, or if it would turn out to be the Thin One that's released. Either way, Ultimate Buu would suffer a drop in power level. Buu panics, and tells Vegeta to let go, stammering out something like "I am not me."

Goku repeats "I am not me...?", and the Saiya-jin Prince merely answers that Buu is becoming more interesting. Buu leaps forward, and Vegeta rips the cyst free from the floor and ceiling. Ultimate Buu collapses to the floor, and is reabsorbed. Outside, Buu's body is twitching in pain. It keeps bellowing, and Vegeta tells Goku to get moving and grab the others and run like hell. Buu screams more. Goku asks which way they should go, and Vegeta answers "You think I know?" The inside of the monster is shaking badly as It is about to change back into a lower form (now that the Fat One isn't a part of it.) Vegeta snarls out "where's the exit," as Goku spies a hole. They fly out of one of the vent holes in Buu's head, and everyone returns to normal size (including Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo.) Dende is impressed at this feat, but Vegeta is concerned about Buu's current condition (It hasn't changed over yet.) Instead, Buu seems to be trying to keep from puffing up like a blowfish. Buu's transformation seems to be slowing down (he looks like an angry, puffed-up Arnold Shuwa-chan.) While, in the Other World, Kaiou-bit is looking concerned. But, Buu is still changing.

And, at last, Kaiou-bit's worst fear is confirmed. Buu has stablized, and now looks like a sullen, evil little Buu child (about 12 years old.) Vegeta and Goku are amused, and expect things to be easier now. However, Kaiou-bit is recalling what happened back with the battle between Bibi-di and the 5 Kaiou-shins. He himself had been badly injured, and the North and West Kaiou-shins had been killed. Buu absorbed the strongest one, the South Kaiou-shin (meaning that our Kaiou-shin is the East one.) The Great Kaiou-shin (Dai Kaiou-shin) of that time, was a very gentle soul, who thought that by being absorbed, he could control Buu's heart. The result was the Fat Buu we all know and love. But, by having the Fat Buu's cyst removed, the true Buu has emerged. The little boy Buu lets out a yell that hurts the ears of the two Saiya-jin (to their surprise), and It then prepares an energy ball strong enough to destroy Earth.

At the last second, Vegeta's counter-energy ball deflects it. Vegeta brushes off Goku's thanks, and yells out that if Buu wants to destroy Earth, It has to beat the two Saiya-jin first. At first, Vegeta thinks that Buu is going to fall for this challenge, but It then snears and creates a bigger energy ball that It throws down at them (It is still standing on a tall crag.) Goku can't believe the size of the thing, and Dai Kaiou-shin is yelling at Kaiou-bit to go save the stupid people. The energy ball is heading for Vegeta and Goku, and Goku yells out that they're going to save the others and he'll teleport out. Unfortunately, there's only time for him to grab Mr. Satan (who is holding the dog,) for Dende to grab Satan's leg, and for Vegeta to get near Goku. Problem is, there's no one left for Goku to lock onto to teleport towards.
Then Kaiou-bit appears, grabs Goku's hand, and teleports them to the Other World. The energy ball hits Earth, destroying it. The surviving group reaches the Other World (Satan is trying to cope with the idea of being in heaven) and Dai Kaiou-shin is rejoicing.

But, Goku is torn up over losing Gohan, Piccolo, and the two boys, while Vegeta is pissed that instead of saving Trunks and friends, Goku had grabbed Dende, Satan, and the dog. Goku and Dende just stare down at their feet. (Shiai can translate to "bout", "match", or "tournament".) Kaiou-bit questions whether Earth is really destroyed, and the coot says "yeah." Satan doesn't believe this, and even though Dende tries to explain who the two Kaious are (personages way above him in power, and whose word is to be respected) Satan doesn't fall for it. Instead, the World's Greatest Champion decides that this is a dream (that he's still at the Tenkai-ichi Budoukai) and that therefore he can fly back to Earth and get vengance for the death of his daughter (even though she only died inside his dream)... His attempt to leap from a cliff fails. Vegeta is pissed that the remaining Z Fighters were sacrificed in favor of saving this clown. The Saiya-jin prince mentions the Dragon Balls, and Dai Kaiou-shin goes all gaga over Earth having something that belongs only to the Namek. Dende suddenly realizes that although the Earth's Dragon Balls have been destroyed, if they go to Namek, they can get a new set.

Goku replies that Namek is too far for him to feel anyone's ki for locking on and teleporting to them. However, Kaiou-bit (who has no idea what the Dragon Balls are) can teleport to any planet within the sphere of the Kaiou-shin planet. But, it seems that the Namek made themselves outcasts a long time ago, and Dai Kaiou-shin says that going to Namek is right out. So, Goku tries to bribe the coot with naked pictures of Bulma. Vegeta goes ballistic, demanding that Goku show off pictures of naked Chi Chi (Goku meekly responds that Chi Chi isn't all that much of a show girl.) Kaiou-bit calls out that Buu is pulling Itself back together again (Dai Kaiou-shin is mulling over Goku's offer.) Kaiou-bit gives the two Saiya-jin his earrings so they merge again, but they have other plans. Vegeta crushes his.

The two heroes think that one Saiya-jin alone can destroy Buu. The Kaiou's don't believe it at all. As Goku is trying to lay out some plans, Buu warps in (to everyone's shock.) Goku realizes that Buu picked up teleportation from one of the Kaiou's a long time ago. In a panic, Kaiou-bit, Dai Kaiou-shin, and Dende warp to a safe planet. The old coot curses the Saiya-jin blood. To decide who goes first, Goku and Vegeta do Jan-ken-pon (scissors paper stone.) Goku wins, and Vegeta angrily powers down. Dai Kaiou-shin curses them, saying that both fighters should team up against Buu and get it over with fast. Vegeta wants Goku to show him SSJ 3, and Goku asks if that's ok, because it'll mean that the Prince won't get his turn at all. Goku turns around, and finds that Buu has fallen sleep. Goku angrily switches to SSJ 3, and Buu wakes up to beat It's chest like a little monkey. Goku (with solid hair down to his butt, heavier eye brows, and crackling fire dancing around him,) looks at Buu, thinking "weird guy.") While, looking at the old coot's crystal ball, Kaiou-bit yells out that they forgot someone.

From behind his crag, Satan uncomprehendingly looks out at Buu and Goku. Vegeta is watching on, saying that it's about to start -- the Final/Ultimate battle of the universe. Kibit, Dende and Dai Kaiou-shin are apprehensively watching through the crystal ball. And, the fight starts with Buu leaping in -- only to get hacked up with Kamehame-ha. It regenerates, and gets bashed to the ground. Turning into a kite causes It to slow down, and then It sends Its leg through the ground to kick Goku a bit. Finally, the fight turns into a slugfest, and Vegeta keeps watching. The Prince is happy with his enemy, and thinks that he is finally starting to understand the differences between the two of them.

Vegeta knows that he first started fighting because killing was fun, then because his pride wouldn't let him lose to anyone. But, not Goku. Vegeta thinks that Goku simply enjoys fighting, but inside the guy is just a Saiya-jin softie. Vegeta wishes Kakarot luck, calling the hero "Number 1." (In the meantime, Buu started biting Goku on the arm, so Goku started biting It on the head.) Buu uses Kamehame-ha on Goku, so the hero replies with a True Kamehame-ha. Buu is blown to pieces, which immediately fly back together again as the hero takes a breather. (Satan is being buffeted by the shockwaves from the blasts, and is trying to understand how there can be such big explosions in this dream.) As Buu is pulling itself back together, Vegeta says that he understands Goku's weakness, and that the hero is hesitating in destroying the monster entirely out of a relucatance to become a killer like Vegeta. But Goku corrects him, saying that if he just had 1 minute to collect his energy, he'd be able to wipe out Buu.

Surprised, Vegeta promises to keep Buu busy for one minute, as the reconstructed monster does a belly dance to taunt them. Goku asks the Prince if he understands what'll happen if he's killed now that he's dead, explaining that Vegeta would disappear from both heaven and Earth. Goku ends with "Don't get killed, Vegeta." The Prince pledges not to, powers up, and starts blasting away. Buu is cut in half, and pounded into bits that then re-merge behind Vegeta. Satan is shaken by the shockwaves, and Goku is concerned that the other Saiya-jin won't be able to hold such a pace for 60 seconds. Buu attacks from behind, and Vegeta is surprised that It has gotten so strong. Unfortunately, one minute hasn't passed yet, and Goku has to stay on the sidelines until he's fully charged. Meanwhile, Vegeta is about to be choked to death, when Satan decides that he's going to take advantage of his dream. The wrestler steps out, and announces that the saviour of the world, and champion of the Budoukai is going to kill It. Buu drops the limp Vegeta, and leaps to chop up Satan. Satan realizes that this dream is still too scary, and drops to his knees (thus avoiding the blow at the last second) to beg forgiveness. Goku shouts out encouragement to Satan, which seems to trigger a massive migrane in the tiny planet destroyer. Goku is wondering what happened, and Satan assumes that it's something he did directly. Buu keeps shouting and holding It's head. Buu is in pain, and Satan is convinced that he's the one that caused it.

Goku is trying to figure out why Satan's appearance is affecting Buu like this. Vegeta, lying helpless on the ground, yells out, asking if Goku is ready yet. Goku's a bit confused about that, because he's almost at full power, but can't top it off. Suddenly, the little planet destroyer spits out Fat Buu, and looks much happier for it (the others are surprised at this.) Looking on through the crystal ball, Dai Kaiou-shin and group discuss this turn of events (basically telling us what we already know -- Little Buu doesn't have anything holding him back now.) Little Buu stalks towards Satan, and the "hero" warns the runt off, saying that he's really strong and likely to hurt the monster (he reassures himself that this is still just a dream.) And, Buu punches him in the nose, sending him rolling (Satan realizes that this dream can feel painful, as well as scarey.) He runs away, and from a distance shouts out that this time, he's going to get serious. Buu pounds its chest, and Satan inches back (thinking that he can get away from it.) Buu rushes forward to kill him, but leaps backwards to avoid an energy blast that cuts across Its path. It looks over, to see Fat Buu standing up and pointing at It. (The non-Buu's are surprised at this turn of events.) Fat Buu says that It hates the Little Buu, and that Little Buu shouldn't mistreat Satan. Satan is taken by Fat Buu's standing up for him, and Little Buu snarls in anger. The two Buus fight it out, with the Little One getting splattered a bit (It regens, though.) Vegeta is wondering what's taking Goku so long, and the Super Super Super Saiya-jin is cursing as he tries to push his power level to the limits. Then suddenly, the energy disappears completely and he drops back down to a normal Saiya-jin (Vegeta, Dende, Dai Kaiou-shin and Kaioubit look shocked. Goku is breathing hard and is looking at his hands in disbelief.)

Little Buu sweeps down and blows off Fat Buu's head (It regens.) Satan calls out some encouragement to the Fat One, and Fat Buu acknowledges that It doesn't seem to be winning. Vegeta is looking determinedly happy, and seems ready to enter this game of "who's the most evil." Vejiita is berating Goku for screwing up the power gathering trick, and Goku is trying to figure out what went wrong (something about SSJ3 and power gathering.) Meanwhile, the two Buu's are still fighting it out, and that Fat One is getting the worst of the deal, which causes Satan to leap in and kick the Little One a bit. Little Buu uses its forelock to send Satan flying. When Fat Buu tries to turn Little Buu into chocolate, the Little One blows It's head off. The Fat One regens, and the fighting continues. Finally, Vegeta yells out at the Kaioushin's, and Dende, watching all this through the crystal ball. The Saiya-jin Prince wants Dende taken to the new Namek planet to gather up the Namek Balls and make a wish. Dai Kaioushin is musing on this, while Dende yells that they've got to get moving. Kaiou-bit gives in and teleports them and the dog to the Namek Planet. Goku wants to know what the deal is, and Vegeta answers that they have a responsibility to the people of Earth, which surprises the hero. Dende and group arrive on Namek, and it's looking deserted. This is an illusion, since the group is facing the wrong way. The Namek were anticipating Dende's arrival and they all greet him with the 7 Namek Balls. Dende thanks them all, and asks Vegeta for his wish. The Prince yells out he only has two wishes. First, restore the destroyed Earth planet; second, resurrect everyone that was killed at the end of the Budoukai, excluding the evil ones. Dende is hesitating over this, and Goku tells the green God to do what Vegeta wants. Dende agrees to it, asking what the third wish should be; Vegeta doesn't care. Goku asks about the second wish, stating that "Resurrect everyone killed by Buu" would do the same job.

Vegeta corrects him, saying that it wouldn't bring back the ones that Vegeta himself had killed. Goku hadn't thought of that. Then, Dende yells back that the second wish won't work, because the Namek Balls can only resurrect one person per wish. This gives the Saiya-jin some heartburn until the Namek leader corrects Dende. Seems that in the past few years, the Leader had given the Namek Balls a power upgrade and they don't have a limit on the numbers of people affected by the wishes anymore. Dai-Kaioushin is getting annoyed at all of this uncontrolled power running around. Porunga (the name of Shen-lon's Namek counterpart) is summoned, and the Leader lets Dende make the wish, adding that he hopes Dende can still remember how to speak Namek. The demon dragon asks for the first wish, and Dende speaks it. Porunga answers "Ok", making a circle with its forefinger and thumb. Suddenly, Earth is whole again.

The Earth has been repaired, and the Namek Dragon asks for the second wish. Dende thinks a bit, then says in Namek, "Ressurect the people that died starting from the day that the Warlock Babi-Di came to Earth -- excluding the evil ones." The Dragon says that it understands, but it's a bit of a LARGE number of people to deal with... Kaou-bit is startled to think that this is even possible. The two Buus are still fighting, and the little one rips Its own arm off to turn it into a remote controlled volleyball that just trashes the Fat One. Vegeta is gettin concerned that Fat Buu is taking so much damage, and yells out at Dende asking whether the wishes are going to be fulfilled. Dai Kaiou-shin is annoyed that Vegeta is being so noisy, adding that Porunga has its own problems. Suddenly, the second wish is completed, and everyone that had been destroyed is back whole again on Earth. Lots of normal people, plus Piccolo, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks (they're wondering what they're doing near a cliff overhang); at Kami-sama's Palace: Bulma, Krillin, Videl, #18, and the others; on Namek -- Dai Kaiou-shin; and on Kaiou-shin's planet -- Vegeta. (Dende wants to know what to do about the third wish, and Vegeta says "Whatever you want.")

Goku is surprised that Vegeta's halo has disappeared, commenting that it's a good thing that Vegeta's heart isn't evil. Goku thinks that he understands the Prince's plan, and that the re-living fighters are going to band together to fight Buu. But, Vegeta corrects him, telling Goku to start up a Genki Dama. The Hero rants "the entire point of this was to do a Genki Dama? It won't work, because there's not enough people on this planet with Buu." But, Vegeta has a bigger concept in mind, and he asks if Kaiou-shin can project telepathy to the minds of the Earthlings, like Babi-di had. The Kaiou-shins can't, but someone who can calls in saying that he's the one they want. Goku recognizes Kaiou-sama, and the Buggy One states that he's willing to help since Vegeta wants Goku to use one of Kaiou-sama's tricks. The Saiya-jin Prince calls out "People of Earth, listen to me. Almost all of you were killed by Majin Buu, but brought back by a mysterious power. The buildings and streets around you have been restored, so you know that this isn't a dream." Satan panics at this, wondering what the weird guy is talking about. Goku tells Satan to be quiet, since the other one is talking to the people of Earth. This confirms Satan's idea that this IS a dream, and he demands to know why Goku and Vegeta are messing it up for him. Bulma is happy that Vegeta is alive, but Krillin wants her to keep quiet so they can hear what's happening. Vegeta continues that Buu is worse than Cell, and therefore, the fighter that will combat Buu needs their help. Everyone is to raise their hand in the air, without fear that anything bad will happen to them. They are commanded to do this, while Kaiou-sama thinks that this is worded very awkwardly, calling Vegeta a "hetana yatsu" (which is a pun, because heta is normally written with the kanji for "down" and "hand".) Goku is told to start up, and the hero rips his torn shirt off, leaps into the air, and asks everyone to give him their energy. People do this, and the energy ball starts growing. A few people have problems understanding the idea (Bulma's father is wondering if he's doing it right, and Videl just keeps looking around going "Eh? Eh?") Vegeta is wondering why the huge Genki Dama isn't finished yet, and he tells Satan to raise his arm. Satan looks stupid and responds "Huh? What's that thing? Why would I want to raise my arm? This is a dream, you know..." Vegeta swears. Goku is yelling out that he's not going to get enough life-force energy in time before Fat Buu gets defeated. Vegeta yells back that he understands, and he demands that everyone on Earth help out.

However, when one or two humans try lifting their arms, their energy gets sucked out and it just confirms their fears that this is a trap laid by the monster (some of them think that this smells like Babi-di's ESP trick.) Vegeta swears, and Satan wonders about the voices he can now hear in his head. Meanwhile, Little Buu has defeated Fat Buu and is about to vaporize the Fat One. Satan panicks and throws a rock that hits the Little One in the head (this surprises Satan more than anyone else.) Little Buu now notices the huge Genki Dama and attacks. Vegeta gets in the way to give Goku a little more time to convince the idiots on Earth that things are serious (Goku doesn't think that he'll get the energy in time, though.) With one punch, Vegeta is doubled over, and is about to get his face smeared all over the field. Goku yells out for the Earthlings to please give him their energy by raising their hands. This helps a bit more, because the people that he'd met throughout his life recognize his voice and willingly raise their arms (Upa and Bora are still living at the base of the Tower, and little Upa has grown up, gotten married to a squaw, and now has a baby boy; Hatchan (Dr. Gero's earier attempt at making an android) and the prior victims of Red Ribbon's Muscle Tower goons are still living out in the mountains; #17 is living out in a shack somewhere). But, everyone else still thinks that this is a trap, and that Goku is one of Buu's minions. Vegeta is getting mashed, and Goku says that the energy still isn't enough -- that people still don't understand. Satan is listening to all the voices of those people, and he finally loses it.

He roars out that they better damn well give up their energy, because he says so. This changes things, as people recognize Satan's voice. Satan states that if he's to defeat Buu, he needs their help. Goku is surprised by this turn of events, and Satan shrugs, saying "what the hell, no choice in the matter, is there?" Hands start shooting up into the air all over Earth, and cheers of "Satan! Satan!" echo through the cities. All of the life force energy flows up, masking much of the planet (as seen from space.) Buu is still pulping up Vegeta, and Goku and Satan are getting concerned. Suddenly, the energy shows up, and the Genki Dama mushrooms. Satan is impressed at the size of the energy ball (he's hiding behind a rock again), and Goku is now ready to party. Goku is ready to throw the county-sized Genki Dama, but Vegeta is lying helplessly on the ground right next to Buu (and Satan is behind his rock a short distance away.) Goku is yelling to Vegeta to pull himself together and get out of the way, while the Saiya-jin Prince is yelling back for Goku to just throw the Genki Dama. Buu, meanwhile, roars and throws an energy ball at Goku. The hero teleports out of the way, and then back in again to keep control of the Dama. However, when Goku looks down, Vegeta is now missing. Off to the side, Satan is running away with the limp body over one shoulder. Goku yells out that Satan really is the World's Greatest, and hurls the Genki Dama down as Buu fires off a blast at it. The blast explodes harmlessly -- the Dama presses up against the little monster. Goku uses his powers to push the Dama forward: Buu tries to push it back.

The Dama chews up the rock where it touches ground. The hero curses as he exerts himself, but it looks like he's losing the battle of what has become a pushing war. He is tiring very rapidly and the "people" watching (Endaimaoh, the Namek Leader) all wish that they had more energy to bestow on Goku. Dende wants Kaiou-bit to take him to Goku for a healing job, but Kaiou-bit is too drained to make the teleport now. At this moment, Porunga asks if anyone is going to make the third wish; if not, he's going to leave. Dende yells out, asking if the Namek Dragon can restore Goku's strength, and the answer is "yes." Goku is about to give up, when suddenly he bumps up to Super Saiya-jin level (and is told what happened. He thanks the Dragon Balls.) Buu looks concerned. The hero gives a little speech about how the monster has fought, and that he wishes that It could come back as a Good Guy, so the two of them could fight again later. Then, with a "See you again", he salutes It before nudging the Dama and blowing Buu away. The Dama eats a huge trench through the surface of the Kaiou-shin planet, and as the smoke clears, it looks like every little bit of the monster has been wiped out. Tired, Goku powers down, and with a little smile, gives Vegeta the thumbs up sign. The narration box states that all traces of Majin Buu have been destroyed, so the monster is gone for good. The Namek-jin and Kaiou-shins are all celebrating, while Gohan and Piccolo are cautiously establishing the fact that Buu's ki can not be sensed anymore. Satan asks Goku if they've actually won, and then yells out to the people of Earth that he, the Champion of the World, has banished Buu from this universe. The people buy it, although Videl is less than impressed (the rest of the Z Fighters' friends and family all rejoice.) Kaiou-bit teleports to the Kaiou-shin planet, with Dende and Dai Kaiou-shin. Dende runs to Goku (but the hero tells him to heal the tired, beaten Vegeta first; this happens) and the puppy runs to Satan.

Then, the puppy keeps running, and the group discovers that Fat Buu, while looking dead, is still barely alive. Satan wants them to use their mysterious powers to revive Fat Buu, but Vegeta wants to destroy the last of the threat. Satan doesn't think that Fat Buu is at all evil, while Vegeta thinks that with Fat Buu around, Little Buu may be able to regenerate. They argue (with Vegeta threatening to kill Satan along with Fat Buu), until Goku tells Dende to heal Buu. Because, without the help of Fat Buu and Satan, Goku and Vegeta couldn't have defeated Little Buu. But, Kaiou-bit asks if this is a good thing, since the humans have the memories of Little Buu burned into their minds. Goku answers that if they keep Fat Buu hidden for 6 months, they can use the Dragon Balls again to ask Shenlon to remove all memories of Buu from everyone. Dai Kaiou-shin isn't happy with the constant use of the Dragon Balls (probably jealous that the Dragon Balls are more powerful than he is), and Vegeta doesn't know why he's going along with this.

Satan is ecstatic, and Goku wants Buu healed so that they can return to Earth, eat, and then get some sleep. From here, the story is all in pictures. The heroes teleport to Kami-sama's tower, and Kaiou-bit teleports away again. Everyone greets everyone else, except that Videl recoils in horror when Satan shows up (because Fat Buu is right behind him.) Goku calms them all down, and Fat Buu acts like Its old, naive jolly self. Videl is happy to see Gohan, and Oolong is hiding behind Vegeta and away from Buu. Finally, 6 months pass, and the Earthlings forget about Buu, although they still remember that the Ultra Super Hero Mr. Satan did something REALLY GREAT, for which they are all thankful. The Z-Team then has a party in which Goku shows up late, like always. === End of the Majin Buu arc === 10 years pass.

A teenage Trunks is flying in a space car, upset that something isn't going right. He hops out of the car, it turns into a capsule that he pockets, and Trunks then flies to the Goku house. There, a very nerdy Gohan (think: a young Clark Kent) is studying his books inside a spacious, two-story house. Lots of bookshelves everywhere. Trunks asks for Goten, and Gohan answers that Goku, Goten, Bulma, and Vegeta are all at the "mountain out in back." Trunks is surprised that his parents are also there. We have: Bulma: Looks like a 40-year old matron. She's become exactly the kind of pushy old broad that she'd always hated. Vegeta: No physical change. Mellowed out a lot, though. Goku: No change. Chi Chi: Chi Chi has also changed a lot. Face is more enlongated, with higher eyebrows, and long black hair pulled back in kind of an American Indian squaw look. Buu: Has moved in with Satan, and is no longer called Majin Buu. Now, It is known as Mister Buu. Bura: (Bra.) Daughter of Bulma and Vegeta. Looks like Bulma used to, including the hair pulled up at the back of her head. About Pan's age. Trunks: Looks just like the version of him from the future, back with the final defeat of Freeza. Doesn't have a sword, though. Goten: A teenaged version of Goku. Wild black hair, and rather lazy. Mr. Satan: Satan has suffered from the passage of time more than anyone else. He's probably in his late 40's, early 50's. Bald on top, with a heavy black fringe around the sides. He's also mellowed a bit. Bee: ("Beh"). The dog that Buu befriended. Bee is a big, old dog now. Kind of like an aging golden retriever. #18: The most wickedly attractive woman in the series. This android has matured a lot, and looks to be mid-30, with short blond hair combed up and over one eye. Krillin: (There's a reason why the ex-monk looks so happy.) Krillin is now a middle-aged runt, with a full head of hair streaked with grey. (Could easily be middle manager in some car parts dealer.) Marron: Krillin and #18's daughter finally has a name in the manga (Chestnut.

Maron pie is popular in fastfood restaurants.) Outside of aging a bit, Marron hasn't changed much. Still has her hair in two ponytails on the sides of her head. Gohan: The young Clark Kent; has wide-rimmed glasses and nerdy clothes. Has become a scholar. Videl: (There's no proof that she's married Gohan, but they are at least lovers.) Kind of a 1930's flapper, with a pageboy haircut and a tight suit dress. Pan: (Bread.) Gohan and Videl's young daughter. Age 4. Looks much like Videl used to. Very big, cute eyes. Yamcha: With his long hair pulled back in a ponytail, and the scar on his cheek, Yamcha could either pass as a biker, or a trendy fiction writer. Kamesennin: Traded his sunglasses in for a pair from the Back to the Future movie. Otherwise unchanged. Dende: A young adult Namek. More mature-looking, but you know the problem. These guys all look the same to me. Piccolo: No change. Still wears the same outfit. New Characters: Mou Kekko: ("I'm Fine, Thanks") A huge Mongolian. Uubu: A little black-skinned country boy, with a shaggy mohawk. Looks very nervous, but determined. Captain Chicken: A Professional wrestler in a chicken suit. Otoko Sukii: ("I like men") A Big butch guy in a police cap and tights. Nok: A blond longhair with a bandana and street clothes. Kiraano: A blond pretty boy teenager, who Vegeta thinks has the best chance of being the foe they're looking for. Goten is on the ground, panting hard, and Goku is greeting Bulma and Vegeta (they just flew in by Capsule Jet.) Bulma berates Goku for not having visited them much, and the hero replies that he'd spent time with them only 5 years ago. Bulma goes into a fit (which is partly caused by Goku calling her a matron, and her getting angry at Saiya-jin for not showing their age. Vegeta's explanation of this doesn't make her calm down much.) Vegeta wants to know why Goku is entering the Tenkai-ichi Budoukai, which is going to start tomorrow. Goku says that there's going to be a really powerful fighter there, but Vegeta can't sense any strong energy sources, and he asks if the guy is from outer space. But, no, the guy is an Earthling who's guarding his powers. Trunks flies in and lands.

Turns out that Goten is entering the Budoukai because Goku is, but the boy would really prefer to go out on a date, instead. (Vegeta ribs Goku about raising whiney little kids.) Pan flies in, and announces that she'd just circled the globe. She's going to be fighting, too (Bulma is aghast at this, because there's no children's rounds this time, and Pan would be fighting with the adults. Goku is optimistic.) So, Vegeta decides that it might be fun after all, and announces that both he and Trunks will be fighting. The Budoukai is on an island, and the audience is flying in. In one suite, Buu is eating, Beh is sleeping beside Satan's chair, and Satan is reminding the Champion Buu that when It finally faces Satan that It has to take a dive to let Super Champion Satan win. There's a knock at the door, and Satan opens it to find Goku and Pan. Satan hugs the girl, asking if she's here to cheer for him. Satan isn't so happy to hear Pan say that she'll be fighting also, and more shocked at learning that Goten, Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku are also entering (Trunks and Goten are dancing with each other.) Satan is in a panic, until Goku promises that whichever of them wins, they'll take a dive to let Satan save face. But, they don't know who's going to be able to defeat Mr. Buu. Goten asks Satan to find a place for their friends and family to sit, and he gets them benches right in front of the ring. Unfortunately, the stares from the rest of the audience makes Chi Chi, Bulma, Gohan, and Videl uncomfortable, and they can't see anything from below the surface of the raised ring. (Videl finds them seats in one of the neighboring buildings.) The announcer (same guy as ever, but with less hair) calls the fighters forward to explain the rules. There are only 12 fighters going into the Finals (having all of the evil people stay dead 10 years ago seems to have taken a toll on the Budoukai.) The winner of the finals rounds will go on to face Mr. Satan. Vegeta wants to know who the powerful foe is, and Goku can't answer. The hero does ask Buu to get ready to use It's magic to change the numbers around. They start picking numbers to see who will fight whom, and Goku asks Buu to give #3 to Goku, #6 to Kiraano, and #4 to Uub. (Vegeta can't believe that little Uub can be such a threat.) Gokuu says that back when evil Buu died, Goku wished that It could be reincarnated, and it looks like Enmadaiou heard his plea. Vegeta can't believe that the little runt could be evil Buu brought back, but Goku asks them what Uub sounds like when spoken backwards -- "Buu." Meanwhile, Uub is looking around nervously, thinking that his mother was right. This is a weird place, and the world's strongest fighters have come here to compete. But, Ubuu vows to win so that he can buy lots of food with the prize money to take back to his villagefolk.

This is the last installment. The MC shows the finalized pairings: 1) Pan vs 2) Mou Kekko 3) Goku vs 4) Uub 5) Captain Chicken vs 6) Kiraano 7) Mr. Buu vs 8) Son Goten 9) Trunks vs 10) Otoko Sukii 11) Nok vs 12) Vegeta The winner gets to face Mr. Satan at the end. The MC gives them time to warm up before the first match starts, and Goten starts complaining about getting Mr. Buu in the first round. Mou Kekko says that he's the one with the biggest reason to whine -- he's stuck with the little brat Pan. Pan gives the huge guy a "beeeh", and Kekko tells her to go home to her mother's breast. Otoko Sukii is ecstatic at being paired up with exactly his favorite kind of date, and Nok tries to taunt the "Old Man" Vegeta and claiming that Vegeta's gonna "dieeee". Vegeta pops Nok in the nose and the boy smashes into a wall before coming to a rest on the grass (he's missing a few teeth.) And then it's time to start the Budoukai. The speakers announce that of the 114 entrants, the final 12 have been decided. Mr. Satan is the one putting up the prize money. (If Buu wins, he gets the money back.) 4 year-old Pan and 2 meter, 30 cm-tall Kekko come out to the ring. A lot of fans taunt Kekko, a few wonder if Pan actually does have a chance, and Satan is in a cold sweat with worry. Gohan and crew yell out encouragement, and Bra tells Pan not to kill her opponent. The match starts, and Kekko is getting ready to fight because he doesn't have much choice. Pan leaps in, slaps Kekko hard, then kicks him out of the ring and into the wall. Pan wins (although there was some fear that she had indeed killed Kekko.) Satan checks the girl, hoping that she hasn't been hurt. (Captain Chicken is looking a bit worried now.) Goku tells Uub that it's their turn now, and they shake hands before going out to the ring. The MC announces Goku as one of the top fighters from the previous Budoukai's (maybe even a match for Buu and Satan). 10-year-old Uub is one of 5 children from a family that lives on an island to the south, and they really need the prize money. Bulma thinks it's a shame that Uub came all this way just to fight Gokuu in the first round, but Piccolo expects that this will be a great match. Uub is suffering stage fright, and can't move when the match starts. Goku tries to make the boy angry by insulting his hair, threatening to kill him, etc. Finally, Uub responds when Goku says "And, um, ah, ... your mother is fat." (Trunks and Goten are trying to figure out what's happening.) Goku leaps forward, yelling "Your father is fat too!" (There's a couple "unko-tare's" thrown in; basically -- "your parents are shits.") Uub takes a kick to the jaw. His eyes are blazing as he yells "Mom and Dad are NOT unko-tare!!!" Uub's bare foot smashes into Goku's blocking arm, and the hero realizes that that kick REALLY HURT.

They fight a bit, and tear up the ring with their footwork. Uub shouts, and his ki blows Goku up into the air. Goku levitates, to everyone's shock (the audience has forgotten about the big fight 10 years ago.) Uub stares at him in frustration. Goku realizes that the boy hasn't learned how to fly yet, and sets down to apologize for insulting him. He just wanted to see the boy's true power. However, Uub still needs a lot of training to be worth fighting, so the hero announces that he'll go to the boy's house and live with them for a while. Uub says that that won't work because they're a poor family (which is why they need the prize money.) But it's ok, because Goku can ask Satan for some cash (Satan will put out to avoid future trouble.) Goku flies up to the box seats and tells his family that he'll be disappearing for some years -- see you later. He then tells Uub to get on his back, and they zoom off. Most of the family is trying to figure out what just happened, but Piccolo says that it's been a long time since he saw Goku looking so happy. And, Vegeta knows what's going on in Kakarot's mind. Goku is asking if Uub really wants to grow up to be a big strong fighter so that they can fight again, and the boy says "yes." (Goku corrects him; the reply is not "ha----i", it's "o-----!"). They disappear over the horizon.